Internal Medicine Residents' Charity Auction is 5/27/2011

By Anton Zuiker
UPDATE: Hot item tickets that will up for bid at the auction: iPad, beach house, refurbished Crosley1933 antique floor model radio, Panthers tickets, Duke basketball tickets, clinic and call night coverage ... and many spa, fitness, and restaurant packages. Get your tickets today! Tickets will be for sale for $20 at Medicine Grand Rounds, Fridays at 8am outside Duke Hospital room 2002 or in the Medical Residents’ Office, Duke Hospital room 8253. Tickets at the door of the event cost $25. The 11th Annual Internal Medicine Residents' Charity Auction raises funds each year for Senior PharmAssist, a Durham-based organization that provides financial and medication assistance to seniors with limited incomes. This event, annually raising more than $10,000, would not be possible without the help of the Triangle-area individuals and businesses who donate their time, resources and generosity to aid our cause. Big-ticket items this year include VIP tickets to a DPAC event and numerous other items including an iPad, spa treatments, gym packages and restaurant deals. Additionally, the house staff excitedly bid on coverage of call nights and clinic afternoons, generously donated by members of the faculty. The Charity Auction will take place Fri., May 27, 2011, with the silent auction beginning at 7pm and live auction at 8pm,  at the Durham Arts Building at 120 Morris Street. [toggle title_open="For more information" title_closed="For more information" hide="yes" border="yes" style="default"]Please contact Kyle Hornsby at or Tian Zhang at[/toggle]
