Johnson-Pruden honored as nominee for top administrative leadership award

At a luncheon held March 10 in the Doris Duke Center in the Duke Gardens, LaVerne Johnson-Pruden, special assistant to Laura Svetkey, MD, was honored by the Duke University Health System as one of five finalists for the Susan B. Clark Administrative Leadership Award.

The award is given annually to a Duke Health administrative professional who demonstrates the qualities exemplified by the late Susan Clark during her remarkable career at Duke – dedication to the institution, service to others, and personal strength of character.

Johnson-Pruden has worked with Dr. Svetkey, currently the vice chair for faculty development and diversity, since 1999.

Chancellor Eugene Washington presented the 2016 award to Mary Greenway, executive assistant to Dean Nancy Andrews. In accepting the award, Greenway reflected on her work with Susan Clark, and how Clark's example inspired her.

The other nominees, including Johnson-Pruden, were given bound copies of their nominating letters.

"I have consistently and frequently received feedback about her competence, attention to detail, skill, interpersonal and organizational skills, and her overall commitment to service," said Svetkey.

Johnson-Pruden has served Duke's undergraduates, medical students, trainees, junior and senior faculty, departmental leaders, and staff at all levels.

"Her service to Duke has been exemplary," said Svetkey.

That praise was echoed by Mary Klotman, MD, chair of the Department of Medicine.

"LaVerne is most deserving of this recognition for her dedication to Laura and the Department of Medicine," said Dr. Klotman.
