The Duke Institute for Health Innovation(DIHI) has announced recipients of their 2019 Innovation Awards. Among the 10 recipients were 2 in DGIM, listed below! These awards support high-potential care delivery innovation projects in the areas of population health and analytics, novel patient interactions, new and team-based models of care, and optimization of patient flow. This is the sixth year that the institute has funded projects through a call for innovation applications (RFA) across Duke Health.
Use of telehealth video conferencing to improve the hospital to SNF care transition
Principal Investigator: Aubrey Jolly Graham, MD
Project Team: Heidi White, MD, Jonathan Fischer, MD, Colette Allen, NP
Problem: Medically complex patients discharged from hospitals to skilled nursing facilities (SNF) are at high risk for unintentional errors, re-hospitalizations, and mortality.
Solution: Institute a weekly telehealth secure video conference between hospital clinicians, geriatric and palliative care experts, and the SNF clinical teams to discuss the patients discharged to these facilities in the last week.
Impact: The principle outcome measure is readmissions among the studied patient population as well as future utilization of several healthcare resources (palliative care, home health, etc.)
Detection and Treatment of Patient Deterioration
Principal Investigator: Cara O’Brien, MD
Project Team: Armando Bedoya, MD, MMCi, Benjamin Goldstein, PhD, Cory Miller, RN, Ricardo Henao, PhD, Mark Sendak, MD
Problem: patient deterioration is difficult to detect in time to treat
Solution: Train a deep learning model to detect patients at risk for deterioration. Standardize rounding practices, patient treatment protocols, documentation and handoff processes, and staff debriefings to optimize the clinical response to the new predictive model to provide interventions in a timely manner to detect and treat patient deterioration.
Impact: Real-time ability to predict and attempt to prevent patient deterioration in the hospital
The Duke Institute for Health Innovation (DIHI) catalyzes innovation in health and healthcare at Duke University and Duke Health through its collaboration platform for sourcing and curating real-world health care problems and incubating innovative solutions to create real impact for patients and healthcare systems. DIHI focuses on driving a culture and ecosystem for innovation through implementation and health delivery science, health technology innovation, workforce and leadership development, and applied health policy. For more information, visit their website.