Kevin Thomas, MD – Mentoring the Next Generation of Physician Scientists

If you’ve ever doubted the power of mentoring, a quick conversation with Kevin Thomas, MD, will change your mind.

“Being a physician wasn’t even a glimmer in my brain until after I had already started college,” says Thomas, who is now an assistant professor in the Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiology. "I know that I wouldn’t be a doctor without the grace of God and certain people I encountered at critical junctures in my life."

Thomas is now passing forward the power of mentoring by serving as the associate director of the CTSA-supported TL1 program. This program provides financial and mentoring assistance to medical students who spend two years in the Duke Clinical Research Training Program (CRTP), earning a Master of Health Sciences (MHS).

In a Q & A with Duke Translational Medicine Institute, Dr. Thomas discusses working at an institution that allows him to combine research, clinical care, and the mentoring of the next generation of physician scientists.

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