Med students give teaching award to Chudgar

The Duke graduating class of medical students has honored Saumil Chudgar, MD, assistant professor of medicine (Hospital Medicine) with the Thomas Kinney MD Distinguished Teaching Award. That award recognizes a Duke faculty member who most impacted the medical students' collective medical education over the last four years. "We are so proud of Saumil and know that he is well deserving of such an award," said David Gallagher. MD, assistant professor of medicine (Hospital Medicine) and director of the Duke Hospital Medicine Programs. "He has done a great job in improving medical student education during their inpatient rotations, working on physical examination teaching, and also as associate director of the Capstone course." [toggle title_open="About Thomas Kinney, MD" title_closed="About Thomas Kinney, MD " hide="yes" border="yes" style="default" excerpt_length="0" read_more_text="Read More" read_less_text="Read Less" include_excerpt_html="no"]Dr. Thomas DeArmon Kinney developed the Division of Medical Education department which came to be known for its ability to attract excellent house officers. Kinney successfully pioneered a two-year program to train pathology assistants, participated in the development of the MD/PhD program, and developed a plan to integrate medical school coursework with the premedical and residency years. Duke University medical students recognized his outstanding teaching by naming a distinguished teaching award in his honor. Additionally, his colleagues dedicated the Thomas DeArman Kinney Central Teaching Laboratory in his honor (1968).[/toggle]
