Department of Medicine faculty have received notice of the following research, clinical trials, CME or other training awards.
[tabs style="vertical"] [tab title="Sponsored research"]Amy P. Abernethy of Medical Oncology has received a sub-award (1U10-CA149950-01A1) through the Mayo Clinic for a project entitled 'ACOSOG Community Clinical Oncology Program (CCOP) Research Base.' Total funding will be $22,694.
Andrew Armstrong of Medical Oncology has received an award from KangLaiTe USA Inc for a project entitled 'Efficacy and Safety of oral Kanglaite (KLTc) Gelcap in Men with Prostate Cancer: Randomized, Dose-Ranging Study of the Effects of KLTc Gelcap (3 or 6 capsules four times/day) on Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Doubling Time Among Men with.' Total funding will be $431,056.
James P. Daubert of Cardiology has received an award from Biosense Webster Inc for a project entitled 'Duke Heart Failure Symposium.' Total funding will be $15,000.
Rowena J. Dolor of General Internal Medicine has received a sub-award (1P01-HS021133-01) through the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill for a project entitled 'Subcontract to UNC: AHRQ United States Preventive Services Task Force Project 2: Understanding and Reducing Overuse of Potentially Harmful Screening Services.' Total funding will be $122,608.
Rowena J. Dolor of General Internal Medicine has received a sub-award (1P01-HS021133-01) through the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill for a project entitled 'Subcontract to UNC:AHRQ United States Preventive Services Task Force Project 3: Improving Appropriate Colorectal Cancer Screening in Elderly Patients.' Total funding will be $218,106.
Matthew D. Hirschey of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition has received an award from the American Heart Association for a project entitled 'Regulation of Metabolism by Novel Post-translational Modifications.' Total funding will be $75,000.
Matthew D. Hirschey of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition has received an award from the American Heart Association for a project entitled 'Regulation of Metabolism and Energy Balance by Mitochondrial Protein Acetylation.' Total funding will be $77,000.
Monica Kraft of Pulmonary, Allergy & Critical Care Medicine has received a sub-award (1U01-AI095050-01) through the Baylor College of Medicine for a project entitled 'Efficacy and Safety of BEta-adrenoceptor Inverse Agonist, Nadolol in Mild Asthma.' Total funding will be $323,820.
Monica Kraft of Pulmonary, Allergy & Critical Care Medicine has received a sub-award (1U01-AI095050-01) through the Baylor College of Medicine for a project entitled 'Efficacy and Safety of BEta-adrenoceptor Inverse Agonist, Nadolol in Mild Asthma.' Total funding will be $247,809.
Mark Lanasa of Medical Oncology has received an award from the Celgene Corporation for a project entitled 'iit Celgene RV-CLL-PI-0622 Lenalidomide in Combination with Plerixafor in Patients with Previously Treated Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.' Total funding will be $289,628.
Daniel Laskowitz of Neurology has received a sub-award (2U01-NS404060-09) through the University of Miami for a project entitled 'Albumin in Acute Stroke (ALIAS) Trial.' Total funding will be $10,990.
Robert J. Lefkowitz of Cardiology has received a sub-award (1R21-HL109806-01) through Stanford University for a project entitled 'Crystal Structure of the Angiotensin Receptor.' Total funding will be $121,600.
Neil R. MacIntyre of Pulmonary, Allergy & Critical Care Medicine has received an award (HHSN-268200536169C) from the National Institutes of Health for a project entitled 'ARDSNET.' Total funding will be $230,840.
Janice M. Massey of Neurology has received a sub-award (2U01-NS042685-06) through the University of Alabama at Birmingham for a project entitled 'Thymectomy in non-thymomatous MG patients on Prednisone.' Total funding will be $1,330.
Manesh R. Patel of Cardiology has received an award from Medtronic, Inc. for a project entitled 'Renal Denervation in Patients with Uncontrolled Hpertension - Symplicity HTN-3.' Total funding will be $324,987.
Keith M. Sullivan of Cell Therapy has received an award (HHSN272201100025C) from the National Institutes of Health for a project entitled 'Scleroderma Cyclophosphamide or Transplantation (SCOT) Trial.' Total funding will be $1,347,138.
Marilyn J. Telen of Hematology has received an award (1R01-HL107608-01A1) from the National Institutes of Health for a project entitled 'Role of RBC NO and ATP in Sickle Vasculopathy.' Total funding will be $392,500.
Nathan M. Thielman of Infectious Diseases has received a sub-award (M59-DU-074-1101-3) through the Institute for Clinical Research for a project entitled 'Insight Flu Studies, M59-DU-074-1101-3 Task Order 4.' Total funding will be $230,360.
Hongyu Tian (Mentor: Gerard C. Blobe) of Medical Oncology has received an award from Susan G Komen for the Cure for a project entitled 'The Breast Cancer Microenvironment Promotes Angiogenesis through Inhibition of TGF-beta Signaling in Endothelial Cells.' Total funding will be $93,600.
Krishnakumar Udayakumar of General Internal Medicine has received an award from the Aetna Foundation, Inc. for a project entitled 'International Partnership for Innovative Healthcare Delivery.' Total funding will be $100,000.
James J. Vredenburgh of Medical Oncology has received an award from The Jane and Daniel Och Family Foundation for a project entitled 'Treatments for Glioblastoma.' Total funding will be $125,000.
[/tab] [tab title="Industry-sponsored clinical trials"]Kimberly L. Blackwell of Medical Oncology has received an award from Johnson & Johnson for a project entitled 'Randomized, Open-Label Study of Abiraterone Acetate (JNJ-212082) Alone or in combination with Exemestane in Postmenopausal Women with ER+ Metastatic Breast Cancer Progressing during or after Letrozole or Anastrozole Therapy.' Total funding will be $441,480.
Frank R. Dunphy II of Medical Oncology has received an award from GlaxoSmithKline for a project entitled 'A Phase II, Open-label, Multicenter, Randomized Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of GSK1120212 Compared with Docetaxel in 2nd Line Subjects with ZTargeted Mutations (KRAS, NRAS, BRAF, MEK1) in Locally Advanced or Metastatic Non-small Cell.' Total funding will be $321,859.
Herbert I. Hurwitz of Medical Oncology has received an award from Genentech, Inc. for a project entitled 'A phase II multicenter, randomized double blind placebo controlled study evaluating the efficacy and safety of MEGF0444A dosed to progression in combination with Bevacizumab and Folfox in patients with previously untreated metastatic colorectal cancer.' Total funding will be $80,307.
Vern C. Juel of Neurology has received an award from the Jacobus Pharmaceutical Company, Inc. for a project entitled 'Inpatient Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Withdrawal Study of 3, 4-Diaminopyridine Base in Subjects with Known Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome.' Total funding will be $1,489.
P. Kelly Marcom of Medical Oncology has received an award from the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill for a project entitled 'Phase I Dose-Escalation Study of BKM120 and Capecitabine in Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer.' Total funding will be $33,000.
Mehri McKellar of Infectious Diseases has received an award from Gilead Sciences, Inc. for a project entitled 'GS US 216-0130, Phase 3b, Open-Label, Single Arm Study to Evaluate the Safety & Efficacy of Cobicistat-boosted DRV Plus 2 Fully Active NRTI in HIV-1 Infected, ART-Naive & Experienced Adults with No DRV Resistance-associated Mutations.' Total funding will be $77,037.
Scott M. Palmer of Pulmonary, Allergy & Critical Care Medicine has received an award from Gilead Sciences, Inc. for a project entitled 'AZLI in the treatment of early bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome.' Total funding will be $696,510.
Sunil V. Rao of Cardiology has received an award from Eli Lilly and Company for a project entitled 'SAFE-PCI in Women: Lilly.' Total funding will be $750,000.
Soko Setoguchi-Iwata of General Internal Medicine has received an award from the Amerigroup Corporation for a project entitled 'Amerigroup.' Total funding will be $150,001. [/tab] [/tabs]