Opportunity: Conversations with Colleagues led by Kathryn Pollak, PhD

Kathryn Pollak, PhD, Professor of Population Health Sciences, is offering a time for colleagues to come together during this stressful time to talk about your common experiences. This is not an M&M conference or a case review. This is a chance for us to have an opportunity to talk with each other about what your experiences have been and to support each other. This works best when done in small groups and among folks who know each other. The opportunity is currently being offered to faculty members only.

Research backs this type of activity for clinicians during stressful times. The main driver of the positive effects are social support and the ability to express emotions that otherwise might not be expressed. These meetings are confidential. There will be no judgement or penalty based on what people say.

The expectations are that we are all in this together and have shared experiences that by which expressing them can help all of us. Please email Dr. Pollak for scheduling.

For more well-being information, resources and opportunities visit the Department of Medicine Well-Being page
