Peace Corps Now Accepting Applications for Global Health Service Partnership Positions

Duke's Hubert-Yeargan Center for Global Health is participating in the Peace Corps program open to qualified physicians in core disciplines who will serve one-year assignments teaching clinical health skills to local practitioners in Sub-Saharan Africa. The program is expected to place 10-12 health care professionals in each partner country starting summer of 2013 in Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda. All volunteers will serve as a resource for faculty and students, and will provide lectures and in-services, advice on evidence-based medical and nursing practice, as well as access to the latest research in specialty areas. GHSP volunteers will receive the same benefits as Peace Corps Response volunteers, including: monthly living stipends, transportation to and from their country of service, comprehensive medical care, readjustment allowances and vacation days. They will also receive additional technical training and support and may extend service for a second year if successful during the initial year. Qualified volunteers will also be eligible to participate in a privately funded program offering loan repayment for educational debt through the Global Health Service Corps. Contact Cecelia Pezdeck, program coordinator for Duke's Global Health Residency/Fellowship Pathway, to learn more.
