Bruce Peyser, MD, Professor of Medicine, Duke general internal medicine, recently spoke at the 2017 Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, Idaho (WWAMI) Faculty Development Conference in Big Sky, Montana. The goal of the conference was to offer faculty development topics relevant to Montana physicians' roles, particularly as they relate to rural and underserved care.
Dr. Peyser presented "Teaching and giving feedback to millennials: what works and what doesn't". He spoke about generational differences and tips to overcoming them, as well as tips on how to give feedback. Peyser is well-versed in this topic due to his over 12 years of teaching millennial learners at the medical center and at Duke Primary Care Pickett Road.
Here are his 10 feedback tips:
10. Timing is everything. Do it soon after the work is observed.
9. Be succinct.
8. Be detailed oriented. Give them examples or quotes.
7. Use humor.
6. Dump the feedback sandwich.
5. Always let them self-assess first.
4. Don’t overwhelm.
3. Never give negative feedback by email.
2. If you have a challenging learner, get help from program director, or others.
1. Take a risk and try new things!
Take a look at Dr. Peyser's full Powerpoint presentation from the event here.
While in Montana, Peyser also took some time to hit the slopes, as you can see in the photo above. "Though I arrived planning to go hiking, I had to adapt to snow conditions," he says.