Recap: ProudToBeGIM breakfast meet and greet

Duke General Internal Medicine hosted its annual "Meet & Greet" breakfast prior to Medicine Grand Rounds on Friday, January 31. This was a wonderful way for Duke Medical School students, Internal Medicine Residents, and GIM faculty members to connect about research and career opportunities in the field.  See more in the gallery below! 

"Our ProudtoBeGIM event was a success," says Dr. Patrick Hemming, GIM Assistant Professor of Medicine. "The division is diverse, creative, and mentoring the next generation.  Thanks to everyone for their contributions." 

MGR Presentation by Edelman + Mitchell

Following the breakfast, GIM Faculty members, Drs. David Edelman and Nia Mitchell, presented on group interventions in diabetes and obesity. Click here to view their full presentation. (Duke NetID and password are required for viewing)

For facts about the field of general internal medicine, visit

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