Register for Advanced Myers-Brigg Type Indicator Workshops

The School of Medicine Office for Faculty Development is excited to announce two advanced MBTI training opportunities for faculty. These workshops are a terrific opportunity for faculty with previous exposure to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator to deepen their use of the MBTI and to focus on the “so what” of MBTI Type, exploring practical tools for self-management of energy, interactions with others, and acting outside of personal type preferences. 

The only registration requirement is that you must know your 4-letter MBTI type in order to participate. These workshops will not include an introduction to the Myers Briggs, so you must know your type in order to register and attend. Please do not hesitate to contact our office with any questions. We hope to see you there!

Advanced MBTI Workshops

Friday, June 16, 2017
School of Nursing, Christine Siegler Pearson Building, Room 1103 

Click here to register

Class A—Type Dynamics

8 a.m.-noon

At the heart of Jung’s Type model are Type Dynamics—the dynamic relationship between all four functions (Sensing, iNtuition, Thinking and Feeling) within any one person. This class interactively and entertainingly explores Type Dynamics (dominant, auxiliary, tertiary and inferior) for each Type, resulting in each participant having a clear understanding of his/her Type in full, including Type balance, developing non-preferences, inferior functions and Type and stress. Activities will focus on leadership and communication benefits and challenges for your individual type.

Class B—Type Development

1-5 p.m.

Identification of Type is where most Type training ends, but that is where this training begins. At the core of Type theory are Sensing, iNtuition, Thinking and Feeling, and while every Type prefers two of these four preferences, success in life and work requires us to be comfortable—and eventually even competent—with all four. This class—utilizing peer teaching and a number of experiential exercises—focuses on the identification and even skill-practice of each of the four mental functions. How do you get better at Sensing? How do you practice objective decision making?
