Registration is now open for the 2014 Responsible Conduct of Research course, offered through the Trent Center for Bioethics, Humanities and History of Medicine.
This 5-week course will take place Aug. 27 and Sept. 3, 10, 17 and 24 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:45 a.m.
The course is open to recipients of NIH training grants and fulfills the NIH requirement for RCR education. The course is also open to post-docs.
Sessions include:
- Introduction to Responsible Conduct of Research and Mentoring
- Human Subjects in Research
- Research Misconduct
- Publication and Authorship
- Intellectual Property and Conflict of Interest
To register, please email the Trent Center at
Registration deadline is Fri., Aug. 15, 2014.