Research Conference 5/30/14: Using Pathogens to Decipher Human Genetic Variation in Disease Susceptibility

By admin2
[caption id="attachment_15540" align="alignright" width="300"]The circle plot displays how the same genetic differences can contribute to multiple human traits and diseases. Integrating results from different genome-wide association studies can reveal unexpected links between cellular traits and human disease. The circle plot displays how the same genetic differences can contribute to multiple human traits and diseases. Integrating results from different genome-wide association studies can reveal unexpected links between cellular traits and human disease.[/caption] Update: Don't forget Medicine Research Conference returns this Friday! The Medicine Research Conference returns Fri., May 30 at 12 p.m. in Duke Hospital 2002 with a presentation by Dennis Ko, MD, PhD, assistant professor of medicine (Infectious Diseases), molecular genetics and microbiology, and the Center for Human Genome Variation. Dr. Ko will present Using Pathogens to Decipher Human Genetic Variation in Disease Susceptibility. Read more about Ko's research here. Lunch will be provided. Presentation begins promptly at noon. Medicine Research Conference is a monthly presentation of outstanding research in the Department of Medicine and is designed to foster new initiatives and collaborations among our faculty.


Video from the presentation live or after the fact on the Department's new video catalog (log in with your NetID).
