Research Wednesdays discussion 10/22/2014 to explore Duke's CTSA grant

By admin5
CTSA-buttonThe Duke Office of Clinical Research and the Medical Center Library & Archives have partnered to bring the Duke Clinical Research Community the “Research Wednesdays” series featuring important topics presented by subject matter experts in each field. On Wed., Oct. 22, 2014 at 12:00 pm in Duke Hospital room 2001, Rob Califf, MD, will present CTSA Grant and Future of Clinical Research at Duke. Dr. Califf is  professor of medicine (Cardiology), vice chancellor for clinical and translational research and director of the Duke Translational Medicine Institute. He will discuss how the CTSA grant is shaping clinical research at Duke, as well as describe the current national landscape of clinical research and explore how the clinical research environment at Duke is evolving to meet anticipated changes over the next 10 years. No registration is necessary and CEU’s are provided. Please bring your Duke ID to sign in to the training.
