Save the date 4/29/13: Duke Cancer Institute/D.E.E.P. mini symposium

Duke Cancer Institute and the Duke Epigenetics & Epigenomics Program are hosting a mini symposium Mon., April 29 from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. in the Great Hall of the Trent Semens Center for Health Education. The symposium will feature keynote speaker Sharon Dent, MD, PhD, professor and chair of the Department of Molecular Carcinogenesis at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Dr. Dent will present "A SAGA of GCN5 and USP22 Functions in Development and Disease." The symposium will also include short talks by Duke University faculty:
  • Gregory Crawford, PhD, associate professor in pediatrics and assistant professor in Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, "Functional Changes in Chromatin in Response to HDAC Inhibitor Treatment."
  • Gayathri Devi, PhD, associate professor of surgery and pathology, "Environmental Toxicants and Drug Resistance in Breast Cancer"
  • Sandeep Dave, MD, MS, MBA, associate professor of medicine (Hematological Malignancies), "The Connection Between Genetics and Epigenetics, and the Origins of Lineage Addiction."
Seating is limited. If you plan to attend, please register: or 684-1808. [scribd id=133625317 key=key-bfq1hi5jniaht2g287s mode=scroll]
