SGIM Forum – Hemming Writes About Male Physicians Working Part-Time

The February 2016 issue of the SGIM Forum presents Patrick Hemming’s commentary titled “Part-time Academic Male Physicians: A Call for Role Models.”

Dr. Hemming is working part-time within Duke GIM. It was just a year ago he completed a fellowship at Johns Hopkins University yet already he senses his career experience is unique amongst his male counterparts. Hemming touches on the stigma that may come along with male physicians wanting to cut back the workload and spend more time at home.

“I have a sense that young male physicians inclined toward prioritizing time at home with family may be choosing specialties other than general internal medicine,” says Hemming.

He goes on to explain how it is possible to have a meaningful academic career while working part time and he references growing literature showing part time providers may even have more satisfied patients.

Full citation:
Hemming, P. (2016) Part-time Academic Male Physicians: A Call for Role Models. SGIM Forum 39 (2): 2, 9, 11. – See more here.

Learn more about Dr. Hemming in this faculty spotlight from October 2015.
