Six Scholars Selected for 2022-24 Duke NCSP Cohort

By Carolyn Dean

Six scholars have been selected for the 2022-2024 cohort of Duke’s National Clinician Scholars Program (NCSP). The cohort represents the fourth group of interdisciplinary medical researchers recruited to the Duke NCSP site.

Duke is one of six sites within the National Clinician Scholars Program, a consortium of prestigious academic health care research institutions which provides training for doctors and post-doctoral nurses as change agents for driving policy-relevant research and partnerships to improve health and health care.

The six scholars selected for this year’s cohort include:

Jeylan Close, MD
Pediatrics-Psychiatry, Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania
Tyra Girdwood, RN, PhD
UNC School of Nursing
Ceshae Harding, MD
General Internal Medicine, Duke 
Gabriela Plasencia, MD
Family Medicine and Community Health, Duke 
Carri Polick, RN, PhD
University of Michigan
Judith Vick, MD
General Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins

The Duke NCSP focuses on community-based research, health services research, health policy, and implementation science across a broad range of disciplines. Scholars will build expertise in these disciplines because of the critical role they play in both improving health care access, equity, quality, and outcomes and identifying and implementing effective health care policies.

Read more here.
