Dean Nancy Andrews, M.D., Ph.D., and Vice Dean for Research Sally Kornbluth, PhD, have announced the agenda for the second annual School of Medicine Basic Science Day 2011.
[toggle title_open="Close" title_closed="Read the Dean's message" hide="yes" border="yes" style="default" excerpt_length="0" read_more_text="Read More" read_less_text="Read Less" include_excerpt_html="no"]In late May, we forwarded you a “save-the-date” email about our second annual Basic Science Day, on Monday, Oct. 10. We hope to see all who attended last year, and welcome those of you who will be attending this event for the first time. This year we will gather at Levine Science Research Center and Love Auditorium for a day of presentations, posters and relaxing conversations with colleagues and new friends. We’re excited to feature two keynote speakers this year: Michael Kastan, M.D., Ph.D., incoming director of the Duke Cancer Institute and Stephen Lisberger, Ph.D., incoming chair of the Department of Neurobiology.
Below is a program for the day. You will soon see cards and posters describing the day’s agenda and promoting the event, so please take time to RSVP for the luncheon now. Contact or 919-660-1305 so you’ll be on the list for a meal.
We look forward to seeing you on Oct. 10 in Love Auditorium, Levine Science Research Center. [/toggle]
[toggle title_open="Close" title_closed="View the agenda" hide="yes" border="yes" style="default" excerpt_length="0" read_more_text="Read More" read_less_text="Read Less" include_excerpt_html="no"]Thanks to the Chancellor’s Science Advisory Council for its support this year
7:30 - 8:15 Coffee, Tea, Bottled Water, Muffins, Fruit
8:15 - 8:20 Welcoming Remarks
Dean Nancy Andrews, MD, PhD
8:20 - 8:55 Morning Keynote -- DNA Damage Responses: Bedside to Bench (to Bedside?)
Michael B. Kastan, MD, PhD, Director, Duke Cancer Institute
8:55 - 9:20 How the Genome Ties up Loose Ends
Beth Sullivan, PhD, Molecular Genetics & Microbiology and IGSP
9:20 - 9:45 Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Memory Function
Ryohei Yasuda, PhD, Department of Neurobiology
9:45 - 10:05 Break and Poster Browsing
10:05 – 10:30 No More Needles!! Strategies to Optimize Intranasal Immunization
Herman Staats, PhD, Department of Pathology
10:30 - 10:55 Maggots are Touching--- With an Actin-Rich Mechanosensory Organelle
Daniel Tracey, PhD, Department of Anesthesiology
10:55 - 11:20 Making and Mending DNA
Lorena Beese, PhD, Department of Biochemistry
11:20 - 11:45 Using Computers to Crack Biological Codes
Uwe Ohler, PhD, Department of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics
11:45 - 12:10 NO Cancer! Targeting Nitric Oxide Synthase in Pancreatic Cancer
Chris Counter, PhD, Department of Pharmacology & Cancer Biology
12:10 - 1:15 Lunch/Browsing of Basic Science Postdoc Posters
1:15 - 1:40 Battle of the Sexes
Blanche Capel, PhD, Department of Cell Biology
1:40 - 2:05 What a Gas!! Imaging Lung and Brain Function with Xenon MRI
Bastiaan Driehuys, PhD, Department of Radiology
2:05 - 2:30 Getting a grip on DNA: Editing the genome with synthetic zinc finger enzymes
Charles Gersbach, PhD, Department of Biomedical Engineering
2:30 - 2:45 Short Break and Poster Browsing
2:45 - 3:10 Hiding in Plain Sight: Immune Tolerance and HIV-1
Garnett Kelsoe, DSc, Department of Immunology
3:10 - 3:45 Afternoon Keynote -- How the Brain Forms its Notion of Motion
Steve Lisberger, PhD, Incoming Chair, Department of Neurobiology
3:45 Closing Remarks -- Sally Kornbluth, PhD, Vice Dean for Research
3:45 - 4:30 Poster Browsing[/toggle]