SOM-DOM web project honored with 2016 GIA Award for Excellence

The Department of Medicine and School of Medicine collaborative Web Design and Development Framework project was recently honored with a 2016 AAMC Group on Institutional Advancement (GIA) Award for Excellence in the Electronic Communications - Website category.

The project came out of a partnership between the School of Medicine, Department of Medicine and Duke University communicators to develop guidelines, a process and a Drupal web template, available at no cost to School of Medicine units, which allow units to develop websites more quickly, at a reduced cost, while aligning the brand.

The Department of Medicine's website,, was the first in the School to use the web template.

The award was presented at the GIA annual conference in April. Jill Boy, associate dean and chief communications officer for the School, and Anton Zuiker, communications director for the Department of Medicine, accepted the award on behalf of the core team, which included Elizabeth McCamic, Department of Medicine web editor, and Beky Branagan, School of Medicine web administrator.

Paul Klotman, MD, president and CEO of Baylor College of Medicine, served as the AAMC Council of Deans representative for the conference and presented the award.

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To date, some 20 websites across the Duke University Medical Center have launched, or are in the process of development, using the web framework.

Read the GIA awards nomination letter to learn more about the background and execution of the project.
