By Amy Porter-Tacoronte
Chief Administrative Officer
This Administrative Professionals Day, we’d like to recognize our more than 250 administrative professionals in the Department of Medicine! Whether you are an assistant, coordinator, specialist, analyst or up and coming administrator we are in awe of your unique skill sets, attention and positive attitudes and welcome this chance to sing your praise.
There are four qualities that I’d like a moment to recognize – your connectedness, expertise, accessibility, and grace.
First, thank you for staying engaged and connected to our people and teams while handling all the nitty-gritty details of a very complex organization and department. You are, truly, “others-focused” which makes you great at your job. You have managed to retain human connection in a hybrid (remote) work environment while taking care of countless emails and all the other tasks that can distract from your core responsibilities. In short, you have become whizzes at bringing people together even when they are not physically together. This connectedness also allows you to be the eyes and ears of the department. As you continue to help us identify and implement opportunities for improving operations; please also consider how the voice of your colleagues and staff, which we value so highly, can be heard. It is because of your raised concerns that programs such as Stepping In-4 Respect has been expanded to include all staff. We are looking forward to your participation in this workshop, as well as, your continued advocacy and connectedness.
Second, thank you for your expertise. Professional excellence is not something that can be given to an individual. Nor can it be purchased or taken. It requires strategy and perseverance. It is your willingness to continuously learn that makes you exceptional. The continual growth and development of your talents is important and supported by the department. Working with your managers, please take advantage of opportunities to attend a professional development course, workshop, or conference. Be sure to register for course offerings through the Duke Learning Management System.
Grace and Accessibility
Third, thank you for often serving as a gateway to resources and direction for our teams and colleagues. Often the first point of contact for questions; your role is essential to ensuring the most important projects stay on track by providing timely access to people and information. Instead of keeping others out, you are a critical doorway through which our people can get what they need in the most efficient way possible. Thank you for your patience, humility, and understanding.
Administrative Professional Day is a reminder to our management team that hectic schedules and fast-approaching deadlines cannot be an excuse for not taking the time to appreciate the contributions of our amazing staff! You are the glue that holds our divisions together and make our work possible. It’s your efforts that have made this department’s operations a success. Please make sure you attend the Chair’s Annual Review on Friday, June 2, 2023, to hear more about this year’s outcomes. Your tireless efforts, positive attitude, and expertise are the backbone of our team, and we couldn't do it without you. Thank you for everything you do.