Strengthening education through article sharing

We've all heard the term "knowledge is power." 

Dr. Bruce Peyser, GIM Professor of Medicine and Medical Director for Duke Primary Care (DPC), likes to share his power. He's been doing this by sending review articles that may be of interest to primary care providers, academy educators, and trainees on various topics. 

Peyser finds high yield granular review articles that cover content that is basic and important for the topics covered. These items are not necessarily the newest discoveries, but instead the bread and butter articles from a variety of excellent journals that people could easily trust and refer to. 

  • PCP Articles - a bi-weekly list of selected articles for Primary Care Providers (click here to subscribe)
  • Teaching Academy Acticles - a monlthy reference list of interest to Academy Educators (click here to subscribe)

Any Duke employee student can sign up to receive these emails, but please use your Duke email when subscribing. 

A New Website 

Dr. Peyser recently developed a Duke Primary Care Teaching Academy website to support the many clinician educators who work within our DPC network. The site contains a number of resources to help strengthen teaching effforts, including a list of each of the review artciles he has previously shared, organized by topic. 
