Teaching & Leading EBM: Zipkin presents

This past week was the 15th year for “Duke Teaching and Leading EBM,” a workshop for educators and champions from across the country to be prepared for the challenges of teaching and practicing Evidence-Based Medicine. The program directors continue to include general medicine, both Dr. Tom Owens who is the Duke Health Chief Medical Officer and Dr. Sheri Keitz, a former DGIM member, and now chief of general medicine for University of Massachusetts School of Medicine.

This is a popular curriculum. Altogether, since the beginning, there have been approximately 950 learners. In honor of this occasion, the plenary speakers were Victor Montori, MD, from Mayo’s Knowledge, Evaluation and Research Unit, and Mark McClellan, MD, PhD, Director and Robert J. Margolis Professor of Business, Medicine, and Health Policy, former administrator of CMS and form commissioner of US FDA.

At it’s core, this EBM program offers multiple small group sessions for tutorials and core curriculum. But, the 6 large group sessions are specifically focused, for example, lectures about “Therapy” and another about “Harm”.  For one of these presentations, Dr. Daniella Zipkin, a respected Duke GIM educator, presented “Non-inferiority Trial Designs”.

Click here to learn more and to view the photo gallery from the event below!

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