"Weekly Updates" February 27, 2012

By heffe004@dhe.duke.edu

From the Director

Hi Everyone! Hope you all had a great week – two Duke wins as we head into the upcoming Carolina game! We’ll revisit Motorco on Saturday night, hopefully we can get as good a game as the first Duke vs UNC this year. Lots of kudos to our residents this week…..personally, I am a bit biased but my gen med team of SAR Rohit Gupta, Interns Howard Lee and Carling Ursem and night JARs Kathleen Kiernan and Callie Coombs were fantastic.  Thanks guys for making my two weeks educational and fun. More kudos to intern Jen Chung for an intern report on SBE, and to outgoing ACR Tara Spector who impressed the ED residents with her great demeanor as 1010, and impressed us with her great support of the interns, and her ability to run the show while Duke Chief Eileen Maziarz was representing us at the NC ACP meeting. Speaking of the NC ACP meeting….pubmed from the program (and MAJOR kudos) go to our residents who SWEPT the awards at the ACP poster competition. Intern Brian Miller (with SAR Tian Zhang and attending Dan Kaplan) who won the OVERALL competition and a trip to Orlando to the national ACP meeting for “Non infectious mimics of infectious diseases: a case presentation of new onset Crohn’s” Med Peds SAR Joel Boggan (with SAR Tian Zhang) won the QI category with “Shift changes for the hospital team: standardizing and evaluating transitions of care in the era of duty-hour reform” Medical  Student  Christina Behrend won the medical student poster competition with “A curious case of caffeine-induced hypokalemic paralysis” NICE work! Very proud of you all. Also kudos to SAR Jon Roberts who will present his work with Uptal Patel at the upcoming AHA/QCOR conference! Thanks to Zubin Eapin and the cardiology fellows (and Andrew Wang)  for hosting a happy hour for residents interested in cardiology.  Much appreciated by all. Donations are rolling in for the upcoming charity auction.  Please contact Tian Zhang or Ann Marie Navvar Boggan if you would like to donate! Keep up the great job everyone…we made it through February….almost time for it to be light out when you leave work! Aimee

What Did I Read This Week (by Sarah Rivelli, MD)

[box]The Next GME Accreditation System – Rationale and Benefits, Thomas J Nasca et al, NEJM  Feb 22; 1-6[/box] NEJMsr1200117 Check out this Special Report in NEJM about the “Next Accreditation System” -  NAS for short - to see what the near future of GME holds, starting as soon as July 2013! The term “milestones” is explained and illustrated – have you heard that buzz word?  Milestones are specific, developmental achievements that trainees demonstrate as they progress in training.  Instead of being evaluated as to whether you’re “very good” or “excellent” in a broad competency like “Patient Care,” there will be specific descriptions of what you are expected to be doing as you progress in training (see table 1).  I think this will prove much more useful and objective – expectations will be clearer and the goal of what you should be actually doing at a given level of training identified. Another focus is enhancing quality and patient safety.  With NAS, data on program structure and patient outcomes will be brought together at a national level.  This way we’ll get a sense of what program attributes have a positive effect on the quality and safety of care in such institutions.  They even go so far as to say they will look at quality of care you deliver after graduation, an ambitious undertaking but essential – how do we know our training creates high performing physicians? Take a look at this article even if you don’t plan a career in GME or will graduate before July 2013, because it speaks to changes in healthcare in general and underlines shifts in what will be expected more and more of all of us – quality improvement, patient safety, team-oriented  and cost-effective care.

Hospital Committee Opportunity

If any resident is interested in joining a hospital wide workgroup to evaluate noise levels and to develop strategy about how to make the environment better from that perspective, please contact Jon Bae

QI Corner

Please join us for the next in our series of Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Noon Conferences. When: Wednesday, February 29th, 12-1PM Where: 2002DN Who: Dr. Eric Peterson, Associate Director of the Duke Clinical Research Institute [hr] [divider]

From the Chief Residents

Grand Rounds

Date Speaker Division
3/2/12 Neil Macintyre Pulmonary / Critical Care

Noon Conference

Day Date Topic Lecturer Time Vendor
Monday 2/27 SAR TALK Daniel Fox 12:00 The Picnic Basket
Tuesday 2/28 SAR TALK Stacy Johnson/Reshmi Srinath 12:00 Dominos
Wednesday 2/29 QI/Patient Safety Conference Jon Bae 12:00 Bullock's BBQ
Thursday 3/1 Ambulatory Town Hall Bowlby/Rosenthal/Phelps 12:00 Moes
Friday 2/24 Chair's Conference Chiefs 11:00 Meelos

February DOC News Letters

Here is the link to the most recent news letter      DOC Feb 2012 newsletter[1]


Charity Auction - Friday March 23rd at 7pm, at the Durham Arts Council Building. If you would like to support our cause, please contact Tian at tian.zhang2@duke.edu."  12th annual Charity Auction save the date Duke Cardiology Fellowship - Cardiology will host a casual meeting between interns, residents considering applying for cardiology fellowship and current fellows on Tuesday, February 28, 2012, 6:30 at the indoor patio,  Geer St Pub.  If you are planning to attend, please RSVP to Zubin Eapen. Humanism in Medicine May 5, 2012 -  Please contact Chris Hostler if you're interested in either helping to organize this wonderful tradition or if you'd like to participate in the night's festivities. [divider]

From the Residency Office

MLSP and Survival Guides

Reminder that if you are a Rising SAR and missed the last opportunity to request MKSAP, or miss-placed your Survival Guide and need a replacement, the opportunity to submit a request on line closes tomorrow, February 27, 2012. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/MKSAP_SURVIVAL_GUIDE_REQUESTS


Reminder to check your expiration dates.    The following link takes you to registration:  Blitz registration April 2012

Selling Your Home - or Moving to the Area

The GME website now has a link to post housing opportunities. To submit a For Sale or For Rent listing please submit a one page portrait orientation PDF or Word document to dukegme@mc.duke.edu.  Listings may be submitted by those working at Duke University Hospital. To access the Housing link from the website, click on the Trainees tab and scroll to the bottom of the page.  There you will find the “Housing” link. The Medical Residency Office DOES NOT maintain a listing of homes


Want To Spend A Year In Global Health As A Clinical Mentor/Educator?

Post Residency Experience in Rwanda:  Duke is recruiting physicians post residency for yearlong assignments as clinical mentors/educators at the National University of Rwanda beginning in July 2012.
The Government of Rwanda is initiating a comprehensive and innovative Human Resources for Health (HRH) Scale-up Plan to build the infrastructure and human resource capacity necessary to create a high quality and sustainable health care system in Rwanda.  Click on the following link for more information: http://gme.duke.edu/about-gme/news/want-spend-year-global-health-clinical-mentoreducator

Other Opportunities:

CHS IM Opportunities Flyer Feb 2012

Duke Medicine’s New Social Media Policy

On March 22, 2012, Duke Medicine’s new Social Media Policy will officially take effect. The policy contains rules for maintaining privacy while using social media sites and also provides support for making informed decisions about what should and should not be shared online both professionally and personally. Please take a moment to review the policy at http://marlowe.mc.duke.edu/accred/duhspol.nsf/fb44e3dd791dbda0852567910047d969/bb1dd6eaae46e5e1852579a70055d5af?OpenDocument&Highlight=0,social and Frequently Asked Questions at http://intranet.dukemedicine.org/compliance/dmsocialmediapolicy/Social%20Media/Social%20Media%20Policy%20FAQs.pdf. Please refer questions to your manager or the following:
  • For privacy-related questions, contact the DUHS Corporate Compliance Office at 668-2573.
  • For questions about creating social media as a representative of your department or entity, contact DUHS Office of Creative Services and Marketing at 419-3270.

Dates to Add to Your Calendars

March 23 - Charity Auction May 5 - Humanism in Medicine June 2 - Annual SAR Dinner (invitations only) June 13 –Resident Research Event, 5-7pm

Useful links
