Weekly Updates - June 25, 2012

By admin2

From the Director

By the time many of you read this, the new interns will have started orientation! Amazing how fast time flies…another big congratulations to our outstanding graduating SARs.  You will be fantastic fellows and faculty members, and importantly, wonderful ambassadors of our program here and throughout the country. Looking forward to updates about your accomplishments in the years to come.  Of course, also an early congratulations to our about-to-be JARs (no excuses, see you on the Zaas porch on June 29th) and about-to-be SARs.  With new roles comes new responsibilities, and I know you will carry on the legacy of great leadership by Duke residents. We heard the final of our chiefs' grand rounds this week with Eileen Maziarz's outstanding discussion of the hottest topic in medical education today…Milestones, Competencies and Entrustable Professional Activities.  I really look  forward to working with the residents, faculty, nurses, students and hopefully even our patients in defining what it means to be trusted as a doctor and developing the evaluation system that allows us to codify this.  The ACGME has given us an aggressive timeline (JULY 2013), so let's lead the way for others in true Duke fashion. Also, please congratulate the winners (in bold letters below) of house staff selected awards this week, including Fellow Teaching Award, Outstanding Service Award and The Haskell-Schiff Award. Fellow Teaching Award:  Erika Hamilton,  Brent McQuaid, Robert Mentz, Matt Rubach, Tony Tran Outstanding Service Award  in Internal Medicine:  Rebecca Johnson Haskel Schiff Award:  Stephen Bergin, Jared Chiarchiaro, Talal Dahan, Dan Fox, Daniel Ong, Krish Patel, Vaishali Patel, Priyesh Patel, John Roberts, Tara Spector, Jason Webb, Tian Zhang Please welcome the newest member of our office staff, Erin Payne! Erin will serve as our recruitment coordinator, and will also be working to keep our website up-to-date, helping with our curriculum and generally keeping me honest on where I need to be and when I need to be there.  We are so excited to have Erin join our team…please stop by and say hello! The Stead Societies have selected names! This is a very important step as we continue to grow and define the roles of the Stead Societies in our program, as the name selected for each society represents key contributors to the legacy of Duke. Kerby Society (former "Stead A") - led by Heather Whitson.  Named for Grace Kerby, the first female chief resident, the first female division chief, and female Professor in the Department of Medicine Kempner Society (former "Stead B") - led by Matt Crowley.  Named for Walter Kempner,  founder of the Rice Diet treatment for malignant hypertension.  http://www.ricediet.com/page/view/rice_diet_founder_dr._walter_kempner Orgain Society (former "Stead C") - led by Ben Powers and Manesh Patel — Named for Edward S. Orgain, the founder of the Duke Cardiovascular Service. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2194380/?page=1 Smith Society (former "Stead D"), led by Susanna Naggie — Named for David T. Smith, a distinguished Chair of Microbiology at Duke, and founder of the Infectious Disease service at Duke. Rankin Society (former "Stead E")  - led by Steve Crowley.  Named for Watson Rankin, the renown public health physician and for whom the first GCRU at Duke was named. For those interested in the history of the GCRU, see the following paper https://www.dtmi.duke.edu/about-us/organization/duke-clinical-research-unit/50yrs-of-the-Duke-GCRC.pdf Congratulations to SAR Krish Patel on his recent wedding to Trupa Patel, as well as to Med Peds SAR Andy Livingston on his wedding to psychiatry resident Robin Koester.  Send us pictures! Also congratulations to interns Kaley Tash and Michael Shafique on their engagement! This week's Pubmed from the Program goes to Global Health SAR Steven Sumner for his receipt of a Vanderbilt-Emory-Cornell-Duke Consortium Global Health Fellows Program Fogarty Scholarship for his proposal regarding a simple, adequately powered, low-cost, cluster randomized controlled trial among a high risk population of motorcycle taxi drivers in Moshi to test how to best achieve recommended conspicuity measures.  Congratulations, Steven on this prestigious award! Have a great week!! And welcome to our new interns — after GME orientation ends on Wednesday, we will see you at Tobacco Road, then bright and early Thursday morning! Aimee

What Did I Read This Week (Aimee Zaas, MD)

[box]       Remarks by Aaron Sorkin ‘83 at Syracuse University’s 158th Commencement and the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry’s 115th Commencement      [/box]

At first, I was going to write about this article "estimating equations for calculating glomerular filtration rate: a systematic review" by Earley, Et al in the June 5 issue of Annals of Internal Medicine.  It's a great review of why the MDRD is somewhat flawed, and when the CKD-EPI is better.  But, since our SARs are leaving us this week, I thought I'd post this instead. read, enjoy, and be inspired! [hr]

From the Chief Residents

Grand Rounds

Friday, June 29, 2012: Mary Klotman, MD, Chair Department of Medicine

Noon Conference

Date Topic Lecturer Time Vendor Room
6/25 Board Review ACRs 12:00 Chick-fil-A 2002
6/26 ACGME survey Zaas 12:00 Domino's 2002
6/27 Sickle Cell Laura DeCastro 12:00 Sushi 2002
6/29 Tom Holland Lecture   12:00 Nosh 2002

Residency Council (from Tian Zhang and Leon Cannizzaro)

As the outgoing co-chairs of the Internal Medicine Residency council, we would like to thank everyone for helping make this a wonderful year! We hope that you will join us in welcoming Coral Day and Newton Wiggins, who will be serving as the new co-chairs for this year's Residency Council.  We know that they will do an excellent job, and they are very excited to continue our efforts in keeping our program at the top of the list of the best Internal Medicine residencies in the country. Sincerely, Tian Zhang and Leon Cannizzaro [divider]

From the Residency Office

Maestro Countdown!  24 days to go live!!  July 18 (from Drs Bowlby and Phelps!!)

Maestro Countdown!  24 days to go live!!  July 18 Tips-- 1. Every patient when they leave their clinic appt needs an AVS printed and given to them (After visit summary) 2. The Personalization Lab is Open!!  That is an open lab in the training building on Golden Drive where trainers are available for 1:1 help, or building your own smart phrases etc,..times are  6/26 1-5, 6/28, 29, July 6,9,10,11,12 8-5 3.Residents need to sign note within 36 hours, attendings will then have the next 36 hours to sign-all notes closed/signed by 72 hours

Annual Housestaff Survey (from Duke GME)

The time for the annual survey is here again. Please use the link in the email you received for the Annual Housestaff Survey to complete the survey. There are 33 questions in the survey and it should take about 10 minutes to complete. Survey closes June 30, 2012.

Dates to Add to Your Calendars /Contact Information

  • Interns start GME orientation - June 25, 2012
  • Departmental orientation starts - June 28, 2012
  • Change over date - June 30, 2012
Useful links
