Weekly Updates - March 26, 2012

By heffe004@dhe.duke.edu

From the Director

Hey! What a great week! Compliments for great patient care came to me from the pulmonary service for intern Wendy Chan - great work ethic and patient communication. We also heard awesome SAR talks from John Roberts an Blair Irwin. The biggest news this week was the charity auction! What amazing turnout; word is that we raised over $10,000 for Senior PharmAssist! Thanks to all residents and faculty and staff who participated.  Dr. McNeill bought extra tickets, Dr. Dzau bought dinner with a Greek for 8 residents, Dr. Klotman bought a wine tasting for 20 to give to the auction planners and their significant others and Dr. Greenblatt auctioned off a dinner at his house. Daniella and Lynn are doing clinic for two lucky winners, SAR Kristen Dicks is intern for A day as is Xavier PreudhommeDave and I get to host the interns for dinner and I get the joy of a night on CAD.   We have SO MANY people to thank, including those who graciously donated items for the auction (please thank them when you have a chance) and those on the planning committee who made this event a wonderful success (Ann Marie Navar-Boggan, Kristen Dicks, Megan Brooks, Andrea Archibald, Emily Ruden, Tian Zhang, Marianna Papademetriou, Carling Ursem, Armando Bedoya, Nora Dennis, Chris Hostler, Meredith Edwards, Emily Strollo, Lauren Dincher, and Randy Heffelfinger) Have a great week everyone! Aimee


We are recognizing Dave Lofthus this week for:   Pattern of liver enzyme elevations in acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction.  Lofthus DM, Stevens SR, Armstrong PW, Granger CB, Mahaffey KW., Coron Artery Dis. 2012 Jan;23(1):22-30.

QI Corner

Be sure to join us for our next Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Noon Conference.  Dr. Bryan Sexton will be unveiling and discussing the results of our SAQ Survey.  Don't miss it! What: Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Noon Conference / Dr. Bryan Sexton, SAQ Results When: Wed, March 28th, 2012 Where: 2002DN

Announcing Members of the Medicine Residency Patient Safety Quality Council.

Stead A/Whitson: Aaron Mitchell Stead B/M. Crowley: Adia Ross, Kevan Shah, Joel Boggan, Nilesh Patle Stead C/Powers: Ryan Nipp Stead D/Naggie: Priyesh Patel Stead E/S. Crowley: Mallika Dhawan, Sima Hodavance If anyone is interested in participating, contact Jon Bae More details to follow regarding the first meeting.

What Did I Read This Week (by Juliessa Pavon, MD )

[box]   Do Physicians Understand  Cancer Screening Statistics?  A  National Survey of Primary Care Physicians in the United States,  Wegwarth O, Schwartz LM, Woloshin S, Gaissmaier W, Gigerenzer G.,  Ann Intern Med. 2012 Mar 6;156(5):340-9.   [/box] Objective of this study was to determine whether primary care physicians know how to interpret statistics to promote cancer screening. -TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE- WHICH IS A BETTER SCREENING TEST: A)    A screening test that improves 5 year survival and increases early detection? B)     A screening test  that decreases mortality and reduces cancer incidence? THE CORRECT ANSWER IS (B) METHODS: Primary care physicians were presented with 2 hypothetical scenarios regarding cancer screening, and asked to determine if the screening test was supported by irrelevant evidence or relevant evidence.  A total of 297 physicians who practice both inpatient and outpatient medicine, as well as 115 who exclusively practiced outpatient medicine were surveyed between 2010-2011. RESULTS: Most of the physicians in this survey study (69%) incorrectly equated improved survival and early detection as evidence of lives saved by screening.   Few (23%) correctly recognized that only reduced mortality constitutes evidence of the benefit of screening; (p<0.001). DISCUSSION:  It is critical to understand that survival statistics, in the context of screening, are susceptible to lead-time and over diagnosis biases.  In lead-time bias, survival rates are inflated by earlier diagnosis even if mortality remains.  In over diagnosis bias, survival rates are inflated by the detection of non-progressive cancer even if mortality remains the same. This study showed that many physicians placed overwhelming enthusiasm on early detection of stage 1 cancers and on incidence of cancer, both of which are statistics  that are subjective to lead-time and overdiagnosis bias and do not reflect mortality.  This study also discusses that the misinterpretation of survival statistics comes from assuming that survival equates to mortality.  This study shows that many physicians are confused about cancer screening statistics, which we routinely integrate into our  medical practice.  This understanding is critical to effectively answer patient’s questions about the effectively of cancer screening.  A shout out Dr. Zipkin’s EBM Course! Do Phys Understand Cancer Screening Statistics [hr] [divider]

From the Chief Residents

Grand Rounds

3/30 - Brown University's Louis Rice, MD, chair of the Dept of Medicine at The Warren Alpert Medical School and chief of medicine at Rhode Island and The Miriam hospitals, "For the duration-rational antibiotic administration in an era of antimicrobial resistance," 8am 4/6 - Michael Berkoben, Division of Nephrology, 8am 4/13 - Roy Pleasants, Current tobacco issues and strategies, 8am Research Grand Rounds is scheduled on the last Friday of the month @ noon in 2002.    The next Conference will be held on Fri., April 27, 2012, with presentations by Kenneth Schmader, MD, and Heather Whitson, MD, from the Division of Geriatrics.

Noon Conference

Date Topic Lecturer Time Vendor
3/26 Decision Study Talk Tony Ning 12:00 Meelos
3/27 SAR TALK Talal Dahhan/Krish Patel 12:00 Domino's
3/28 QI/Patient Safety Conference Jon Bae 12:00 Chick-fil-A
3/29 Visiting Chair - Lou Rice Dr. Lou Rice 12:00 The Picnic Basket
3/30 Research Conference   12:00 Panera

Slides From Last Week's "Personal Statement" Presentation

Just in case you missed Dr. Criscione-Schreiber's conference last week, you'll  be happy to find her slides attached for reference. The Personal Statement for Residents

GME Grand Rounds

Please be reminded that April's Medical Education Grand Rounds session - "Legal Issues & Remediation" with Jamie Padmore, MSc and Kerry Richard, Esq., MedStar Health, Inc – will be held Tuesday, April 3rd  (MEGR Legal Issues Remediation Flyer)  Two session times are being offered: 12noon – 1pm (DN2001) 5pm – 7pm (DN2003) If you would like to attend this session and have not yet registered, please do so by clicking the following link - https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/LegalIssuesRemediation

Visiting Chair of Medicine (by Dr. Klotman)

We are very excited to be hosting Dr Louis B. Rice as our first Visiting Chair of Medicine from Mar 28-30th. Dr Rice is the Chair of Medicine at Brown University and an Infectious Disease Specialist and bona fide expert in antimicrobial resistance particularly mechanisms of resistance in enterococci and Enterobacteriaciae.  As part of his visit, we will be hosting a wine and cheese gathering in the Faculty Lounge.  This is scheduled for Thursday March 29 at 5pm.   We would be pleased to have you there.



Stead Society Activities

Stead "E" Society  (Steve Crowley's group) Reminder:   The "team" will be preparing/hosting dinner for the residents at Ronald McDonald house Durham (2 blocks from Duke campus) on Thursday, April 26.  Some of us will begin cooking / arranging at about 4pm with a plan to serve the food at 6pm.  Everyone is welcome to join in.  Contact Steve Crowley or Michael Shafique for more information or to sign up.   steven.d.crowley@dm.duke.edu     michael.shafique@duke.edu

Fellowship Interest Discussion Opportunities

Applying for Fellowship Q & A Title:  Applying for Fellowship Q & A Date/Time:  Wednesday - March 28 (date change) from 5 – 6 pm Location:  Medical Resident Library Moderator:  Bill Hargett

Updates from the Housestaff Cafeteria Survey

We received an overwhelming response rate and presented the survey results to the cafeteria leadership last month. In response your insightful feedback and comments, Aramark will be making some exciting changes to our menu selections in the Atrium Cafe during the Night-Owl shift (late night, i.e. while we are on overnight call) over the next few months. Many thanks to Aramark leadership, Edmund Chan, Deron Day, and Cy Gropper. Here are a few upcoming changes that were mentioned to us (remember, these changes are only for the Night-Owl Menu for now): 1. Expand current options that work well: - Organize one Breakfast program to be offered on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday. - Grilled cheesesteaks on Mondays to include a grilled vegetables option, cooked separately. - Limited addition of Chick fil A salads and Chicken salad sandwiches. 2. New Options in the Short Term (less than two months): - Oatmeal bar offered 7 nights a week. Hot oatmeal, dried fruit & nut toppings. - Value Salad Bar: Set a limited salad bar for a discount price between 10pm-3am. - Pasta Bar on Wednesday nights: Include both meat and meatless options. - Additional vegetarian meals in the grab n go case and sushi cooler that can be microwaved. 3. New Options in the Longer Term (two to four months out): - Asia food concept: Stir Fry bowls w/brown rice, Curry bowls, Japanese noodle bowls. - Mediterranean concept: Grilled meat skewers with hummus, tabouli, pita, salad. 4. A menu "Happy Hour" will be held in the near future to sample new options during 3rd shift. These are just a few of their initial changes and the leadership expressed interest in making future changes based on our ongoing feedback. Thanks again for your help, and we look forward to hearing your response about these exciting changes. Matt Lungren, Chief Resident in Radiology Ketan Shah, GME Housestaff Representative, Internal Medicine and Pediatrics [divider]

From the Residency Office

Dates to Add to Your Calendars

April 10 - Hematology Oncology Fellowship Discussion (1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. 405 Seeley G. Mudd Building Conference Room) April 27 - DoM Annual Resident Photo  Shoot, after Grand Rounds (rain date - May 18) May 4 - Humanism in Medicine May 19 - Annual Resident Picnic (Dr Burton's Farm) - new June 2 - Annual SAR Dinner (invitations only) June 13 –Resident Research Event, 5-7pm

Useful links
