Weekly Updates - November 26, 2012

By residency1

From the Director

Welcome back everyone — hopefully you are all recovered from Turkey Bowl (congrats again to the Jets.  Jonah is very excited that basically his entire life has been a Jets winning streak). Only a few more days of mustaches -- don't forget to come to the office and draw on our faces! Also thanks to everyone for a record breaking holiday food drive…over $1700 raised and the Stead Cup is now held by the Orgain Society.  Look for the upcoming holiday gift drive, and another chance to serve the community and steal the Stead Cup! Holiday Kudos — first of all…BIG thanks to everyone who has stepped up to help their colleagues who fell ill at DRH! Also thanks to Nick Rohrhoff (sent in by his very thankful fellow interns) for holding down the fort on CAD and letting a few colleagues see family.  I heard great things about the teamwork on VA Gen Med as well.  Thanks to Callie Coombs and Rex Cheng for the pre-holiday SAR talks.  More SAR talks this week! Also congratulations to JARS Kaley Tash and Mike Shafique on their wedding! Other important news….it's time to kick off the holiday season with the DOM Holiday Party….See you Saturday night at the Wa Duke.  Next week (WED DEC 5) is also the long awaited fellowship match.  The SARs have chosen Geer Street as the place to celebrate what is sure to be a fantastic match year.  Details to follow, but hope to see you there. WHAT I READ THIS WEEK…open to residents for signup! Contact Shawna Alkon for details but this is your chance to be featured in UPDATES! We'd love to hear from you. Recruiting starts again on Friday.  Erin will be contacting you about tours, dinners and other ways to meet and greet the applicants.  I have been so impressed with the enthusiasm you all have shown during the first part of recruitment season — lets keep showing those future Duke residents why our program is the best. This week's pubmed from the program goes to Jen Rymer. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2011 Oct;9(10):868-74. Epub 2011 Jul 23. Caution about overinterpretation of symptom indexes in reflux monitoring for refractory gastroesophageal reflux disease. Slaughter JCGoutte MRymer JAOranu ACSchneider JAGarrett CGHagaman DVaezi MF. Have a great week Aimee  

What Did I Read This Week (by Saumil Chudgar, MD)

[box]Reduced Mortality with Hospital Pay for Performance in England - Sutton M, Nikolova S, Boaden R, Lester H, McDonald R, Roland M N Engl J Med 2012;367:1821-8.[/box]

Why I read this? Discussion of health care reform escalated even more with election season.  Duke GME recently sponsored a forum on the state of healthcare after the election.  The title caught my eye when I received my copy of NEJM.  My knowledge about health policy issues can certainly use some improvement and given my position as a hospitalist, it is very relevant. What they found? This program was the first Pay for Performance program introduced in England in 2008.  Hospitals collected and submitted data on 28 measures in 5 clinical areas, three of which are the same as initial US areas of interest (AMI, CHF, and pneumonia).  Hospitals in top quartiles receive a bonus payment, but there was no penalty for underperforming hospitals.  They compared 30-day in hospital mortality for pneumonia, CHF, and AMI in the 18 months prior to implementation of the program and the 18 months after implementation.  Overall risk-adjusted mortality decreased by 1.3 percentage points (absolute) and 6% (relative risk reduction) for an overall reduction of 890 deaths in the 18 months.  Absolute reduction in pneumonia mortality was 1.9 percentage points (p < 0.001) while AMI and CHF were 0.6 percentage points (both not significant). What I learned? A previous Cochrane review (2011) showed no evidence than financial incentives improve patient outcomes.  This study showed improvement in patient outcomes (mortality), confirming the intent of improved quality of care.  Interestingly, the bonuses were higher (4%) than those bonuses in the US.  I’m not sure what (if any) contribution that had.  Regardless, this article has implications for the Medicare pay for performance and value-based purchasing that we will be seeing imminently.

From the Chief Residents

Congratulations to THE JETS for their win on Thursday at the 2012 Annual Turkey Bowl!  It was a beautiful day and a great game!

Grand Rounds

Day Date Topic Lecturer Time
Friday 11/30 Thrombocytopenia  Dr. Ara Metjian 8:00

Noon Conference

Day Date Topic Lecturer Time Vendor
Monday 11/26 Chest Conference  Phil Goodman 12:00 Saladelia salads
Tuesday 11/27 MED PEDS INTERVIEW 12:00 Saladelia
Wednesday 11/28 Special speaker! Siddhartha Mukherjee 12:00 Moe' s
Thursday 11/29 SAR Talks Megan Diehl, Nikki Storms  12:00  Chick-fil-A
Friday 11/30 INTERVIEWS  12:00  Nosh
  Reminder - This the last week of Movember!! The "growth" of facial hair continues!  This is a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness of men's health issues, and all of the funds raised go directly to a great cause!   Over $450 has been collected so far, which is great, but we know we can raise more! Making a donation is easy! 1. Go to the following website: www.movember.com 2. Click "Donate" 3. Enter Team Name "MoDukeMed" And, on a more local level you can stop by the office to post a picture of your favorite faculty member or resident on the "wall".  All we ask for is a donation and a chance to view your fancy artwork.  Below you can see a snapshot of the artwork so far!     Annual Stead Society Thanksgiving Donation Challenge - Update! Thanks to the entire residency program for our most successful food drive yet! With your enthusiastic participation, we once again have set a new record donations total of $1,749 in combined resident, faculty and staff donations! This has allowed us to make available 40 Kroger food cards to patients/familes at the DOC clinic (enough for forty full turkey dinner with fixings! ....ten more than last year!) as well as over 450 complete Thanksgiving meals for some hungry Durham residents at the Durham Rescue Mission's Annual Thanksgiving Community Dinner! The Stead Society Final Standings: In 5th place, Kempner - $199 In 4th place, Smith - $210 In 3rd place, Rankin -$250 In 2nd place, Kerby -$400 In 1st place, Orgain - $520 Thanks to everyone for your amazing support of a great cause! The Orgain Society will be flaunting control of the Stead Cup.... until our next challenge... Survey Opportunity The following is an invitation to all house staff to participate in a research survey from Principal Investigator Mitchell Heflin, MD, MHS and Study Coordinator Megan von Isenburg, MSLS. We welcome you to participate in important research into evidence-based medicine (EBM) education in Graduate Medical Education (GME).   The purpose of this survey is to assess GME trainees’ current evidence-based medicine (EBM) skills and attitudes; to inventory program educational opportunities; and to develop educational materials to support EBM training across all programs in Graduate Medical Education (GME). This is an Innovations-funded project. This survey should take you 5-10 minutes to complete. The survey is web-based and asks questions about your program and level, about how you use EBM in clinical care, and about EBM in your program. The major benefit of participation in these surveys is that your input will be used when designing new educational opportunities in evidence-based medicine across GME programs. We hope that this study will facilitate creation of relevant and engaging educational online modules and/or in person classes to support EBM. Individual responses will not be matched to their email addresses or other identifying information, and every effort will be made to preserve confidentiality. Completion of the survey indicates implied consent to participate.  Your participation is voluntary.  If you wish to decline, simply do not fill in the survey.  There are no negative consequences to your employment or education if you refuse to participate in this survey. Please contact this study’s Principal Investigator at mitchell.heflin@duke.edu, the study coordinator at megan.vonisenburg@duke.edu, or the Duke IRB at (919) 668-5111 with any questions or concerns. https://redcap.dtmi.duke.edu/redcap/surveys/?s=xaFWhT [divider]

From the Residency Office

Interested in Teaching (sponsored by The Office of the Primary Care Leadership)

Please save the date for the upcoming “Teaching the Outpatient Teachers” workshop sponsored by the Primary Care Leadership Track. This half day workshop will be on Friday January 11, 2013. There will be a morning and afternoon session for this workshop. The morning session will run from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm, and the afternoon session will run from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Topics to be covered include: giving streamlined feedback, using an iPad, staying on time in a busy practice, improve your musculoskeletal exam, and a review of compliance issues. To enroll in the workshop for either the morning or afternoon session please contact:  Blake Wiggins at blake.wiggins@duke.edu

CVRC Retreat

The next CVRC Retreat is scheduled for Saturday January 12, 2013 at the Searle Center Lecture Hall.  Our Keynote speaker will be Michael S. Parmacek, Herbert C. Rorer Professor of Medical Sciences, Director, Penn Cardiovascular Institute, Chief, Cardiovascular Division - “Transcriptional Programs Resulting Cardiovascular Development and Disease”.   Anyone who will be attending must RSVP no later than December 17, 2012 to: DUKECVRC@dm.duke.edu Poster Contest:  Three poster authors will be chosen to speak at the retreat.  Your abstract will need to be emailed to amberly.adams@duke.edu by December 1, 2012, include name, abstract title and lab affiliation.  Abstracts should be 1 page or less with 1 figure and sections for intro, materials and methods, results and discussion, and conclusion.  The three speakers will be notified around December 21, 2012 so they will have time to prepare.  There will be space to display a poster for submitted abstracts.   If you would like to display a poster at the retreat please include a request for display and the size of the poster. Amberly Adam, Duke Cardiovascular Research Center, DUKECVRC@dm.duke.edu

Randy Update

Randy continues to recover at home from his recent cycling accident.  So many of you have asked how you can help he and his family during this time and we will be sending, via email, a link to a virtual "sign-up sheet" for those who want to bring food or meals to Randy and his family.  Look for that email on Monday, November 26th, 2012.  If you would like to contact Randy or send him your supprt in a different way, please feel free to contact anyone in the MedRes office for help.  Get well soon Randy!

Dates to Add to Your Calendars

December 1       DoM Holiday Party December 5       Fellowship Match day

Contact Information/Opportunities

Virginia Commonwealth University Hospitalist Shifts Job Desc Hospitalist with salary 10312012 (2) Internal Medicine Stipends for Residents in Training November 2012

Useful links
