Weekly Updates - September 3, 2012

By admin3

From the Director

Hi everyone! Well, the last seersucker Tuesday has come and gone, Duke is actually 1-0 in football, and Block 3 is starting for the JARS and SARS. It may be really hot with 100% humidity, but it's fall! Otherwise known as official Turkey Bowl smack talk countdown. With a huge thanks to our outstanding first ACRS, Lisa Vann, Nicki Storms and Blake Cameron, we welcome our new ACRS Hassan Dakik, Matt Chung and Charlie McCormick. Sure, they will teach, help lead report, do sign outs and manage the gen med services, but they will also be trying to out "PowerPoint" each other as we see who will be the TB champs of 2012....the Duke Marines or the VA Jets. Thanks to all who helped out with the Duke Cardiology CPR training at the football game...official list to follow shortly. Other shout outs to intern Rachel-Rose Cohen for her gold star from a patient on CAD, SAR Nilesh Patel for an exemplary med surg conference and intern Jay Mast for kicking off block 3 intern report with a great case of triglyceride induced pancreatitis. JAR Carling Ursem(who, incidentally, is signed up for the Rambling Rose half marathon...reference last weeks updates for details) sent a note recognizing the great work of intern Christine Bestvina as the 9100 night intern, particularly as she expertly diagnosed and managed AVNRT! With fall comes the need for fleeces....we don't want the interns or anyone who missed the order last year to be left out. Please let me or Randy know if you want to help be in charge of the next fleece order! Stead societies met this week....the Smith Society is leading the City of Medicine HS teaching effort. Look for updates from the societies each week! Recruiting begins now, with a welcome event for 4th year med students on Thursday night. We are looking forward to a fantastic and high energy recruiting season. Thanks to everyone for teaching your students and sub i's. It's great to see you all keeping the students involved in the teams. For example, I overheard Intern Nick Rohrhoff teaching his med student as they walked to a patient's room, and I know that you all are doing the same. This week's pubmed from the program goes to intern Alyson McGhan who has two posters at the AASLD meeting in Boston! Good work! Costs of palliative treatments of intermediate and advanced stage hepatocellular carcinoma may exceed usually accepted limits of cost effectiveness" Alyson McGhan, David Kaplan MD, MSc and "Cirrhosis diagnosis rates, liver transplantation rates, and Child-Turcotte-Pugh stage critically impact the efficacy of hepatocellular carcinoma surveillance to improve HCC-related survival in a U.S. Veteran population" Alyson McGhan, David Kaplan MD, MSc Have a great week!   Aimee

Help Update our Website (by Dr. Klotman)

In anticipation of residency recruitment season, the Internal Medicine Residency website is getting beefed up. As you all know, the program's website is an invaluable tool to medical students evaluating Duke as a place for their training, and we want it to be as informative as possible. That's why we're incorporating your pictures and profiles. I'd like to extend a special thanks to those who have taken the time to fill out the “Life of the Duke Internal Medicine Resident” survey. Your answers are on the Current Residents section of the site, and I urge you to take a moment to confirm your individual page. I've really enjoyed reading your insights. If you haven't answered the survey yet, please do so at http://news.medicine.duke.edu/life-of-the-internal-medicine-resident/. Any updates or changes that need to be made, please email Anton Zuiker or Erin Payne to let them know. As always, I want to thank you for your dedication. You make Duke a great place to be. Mary Klotman, MD

What Did I Read This Week (Suzanne Woods, MD)

[box]    Correlation between Self-Reported Resident Duty Hours and Time-Stamped Parking Data; S Chadaga, A Keniston, D Casey, R Albert Journal of Graduate Medical Education June 2012     [/box]

Abstract:  Training programs must comply with ACGME duty hour regulations or risk citation and shortened accreditation cycles.  The University of Colorado, Denver internal medicine residency program compared the self reported duty hours logged daily in a web based program (GMEone) by trainees with the data obtained from the parking garage which they accessed by an electronic badge reader.  Their hypothesis was that residents overestimated the number of hours they worked. Study:  Residents on gen med or unit rotations were studied.  They found no statistically significant differences using web-based duty hour log and the parking garage data!  The major limitation was that the parking garage data could represent trainees at the hospital for reasons other than work such as using the gym, social events etc. Conclusions:  “Residents accurately self-reported their work hours, using a daily Web-based duty hours log when compared to an independent, objective and blinded assessment of work hours.” So….can other automated systems (card swipe) be used to replace residents logging duty hours daily (MedHub) and sparing coordinators and program directors the effort of reminding trainees to log hours to stay in compliance? [hr]

From the Chief Residents

Grand Rounds

Date Division Speaker
7-Sept M&M Chief's

Noon Conference

Day Date Topic Lecturer Time Vendor Room
Monday 9/3 Labor Day- No Conference 12:00 - 2002
Tuesday 9/4 Townhall Chiefs 12:00 Bullock's BBQ MedRes
Wednesday 9/5 IM-ED Combined Conference 12:00 Jimmy John's 2002
Thursday 9/6 Gallops Chiefs/ACR's 12:00 Sushi 2002
Friday 9/7 Chair's Conference Chiefs 12:00 Rudinos 2002

Patients with Pre-diabetes

If you have patients with pre-diabetes, there is an ongoing study at Duke to evaluate the effects of 2 types of dietary fibers on blood sugar levels.  This is a 22 week study at Duke with either psyllium fiber (a plant soluble fiber) or microcrystalline cellulose (an insoluble fiber).  Please contact Jeanne Kimpel, RN at 919-681-4453 with any questions or interests.        Fiber Study_FlyerforIRB_ver2 Nicole G. Greyshock, MD

SAR Talk Schedule

The schedule for the year has been set - please try to come and support our SARs, particularly your advisees, ACRs and Stead members.  Talks are in room 2002, from 12-1 pm.   The complete schedule is attached for reference.   SAR Talk Schedule 2012.pdf


From the Residency Office

Noon Conference Lunch (by Lauren Dincher)

I have heard all of your concerns and while they were good while they lasted, we are saying good bye to Domino’s pasta bowls and sandwiches starting in October. In exchange, we welcome Jimmy John’s to our list of caterers.  Please feel free to share ideas/concerns with me regarding lunch anytime. I am always willing to listen!

Call Rooms – Strategies to Address Concern

The ACGME Resident Survey indicated that 28% of the respondents were not satisfied with the call rooms.  Unfortunately the survey was somewhat non-specific, which led us to complete an internal survey so that we could better assess the concerns.  The results:  DRH fared well, the VA had some logistical issues, a series of concerns were identified regarding the call rooms at Duke Hospital.  The details of the survey were reviewed with GME who quickly assumed the responsibility to develop a plan of action (THANKS!). As the plan rolls out, it is also important to stress that we ALL have a responsibility to help keep the rooms and facilities clean and safe.  How?  Do not leave personal belongings unattended or not secured, don’t leave trash behind, and if there is a problem – REPORT IT.   Brief summary of the plan:
  • New signage to be posted outside of the call rooms – with updated contact information
  • New phone # -  manned 24 hrs a day.  If the rooms are not clean – Call 919 681-9700 (we suggest loading this # into your cell phones)
  • Environmental Services (EVS) has started placing a “Tented” welcome card in the room after they clean it to indicate who cleaned it and when; there should also be “Strips” across toilet (as in some hotels).  If you do not find a card, contact the EVS number and also GME office
  • Extra Linen - GME has asked EVS to leave extra linen in “bubble wrap” so if you want to rest and don't want to wait for EVS, you can change the linens quickly. This can only be done in rooms where there is not an accumulation of personal items (see below).  It would be helpful if you let us know if you are changing the linens so that we can keep track of how often this needs to be done and set a plan of action if need be.
Please noteEVS does not clean rooms that appear to still be occupied or have personal items sitting out in the room (bottles of toiletries, coffee cups, drinks sitting out, personal items in shower or on sink, books, papers, etc left on tables and bed).  These items need to be removed or placed in a locker, dispose of them, or take advantage of bringing a lock if you want them secured. Rooms are being re-inventoried for repairs, i.e.  changes to tile, enamel etc.  If you know of a room that needs attention, please let our office know or contact Paula in the GME office directly. Below are key #’s to load into your cell phones:
  • GME office 919 684-3491
  • EVS 919 681-1756
  • Duke police  919 684-2444
  • (please do not hesitate to contact Duke police with any concerns, particularly if there are people in the area who should not be present.)

AMPATH Consortium

Duke University is a member of the AMPATH Consortium.   The attached fact sheet highlights much of the work that our faculty have been doing in Kenya.  This year we are hosting the AMPATH Consortium meeting on campus October 22-24, 2012.  If you are interested in learning more about collaborating with our academic partners working in Kenya, I hope that you will join us for several activities taking place over the course of this meeting.    Fact Sheet AMPATH

Monday, October 22

6:30 – 8:00PM            Meet & Greet - Cocktails/Appetizers - Location: David Thomas Center

Tuesday, October 23

2:00 – 4:00PM            Breakout Sessions by Clinical Specialty - Location: David Thomas Center

(ID, Oncology, Maternal Child Health/Pediatrics, Mental Health, GI, Palliative Medicine) 

5:00 – 7:00PM            Grand Rounds followed by reception– Location: Duke North, Room 2002

“Building Innovative Academic Global Health Partnerships in Western Kenya”presented by Dr. Joseph Mamlin, Professor Emeritus of Medicine, School of Medicine, Indiana University

Charting to Document Use of Language Assistance

Effective September 4, 2012, Medical Interpreters for all languages will document in the patient’s chart that they have interpreted for encounters between Limited-English Proficient patients and their providers. They will affix a sticker into the most recent progress note on the chart with their name, name of provider, date, time and signature. When providers use an interpreter over the phone, they should ask for the interpreter’s name (for staff interpreters) or the interpreter’s number (for CyraCom interpreters). Providers should document use of interpreters over the phone and write their name or number in their note.

CareerMD:  Chapel Hill Career Fair for Residents & Fellows

Meet Representatives from leading hospitals and healthcare systems across the country, including:  CaroMont Health // Centra Medical Group // Columbus Regional Healthcare System // Community Health Systems (CHS) // Doctors Making Housecalls // Duke Hospital Medicine Programs // Group Health Permanente // HCA, Inc. (Hospital Corporation of America) // Kaiser Permanente- The Southeast Permanente Medical Group, Inc. // LifePoint Hospitals // Northeast Georgia Health System // Pardee Hospital // Scotland County Memorial Hospital // Tanner Health System // UHS Physicians, Physician Services // Valley Health Plan/Rockingham Memorial Hospital // WellStar Health System // AND MORE

DATE & TIME Tuesday, September 18, 2012 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM - stop by any time Sheraton Chapel Hill

LOCATION One Europa Drive TO REGISTER RSVP online at www.CareerMD.com/ChapelHill or email lesley.forsythe@CareerMD.com EVENT DETAILS Residents and fellows in all medical specialties and subspecialties are invited to attend the CareerMD Career Fair. Meet employers from leading healthcare systems and practice groups nationwide. This free event is an opportunity to learn more about job openings in your field and to collect information about hospitals, health care systems, and practice groups that hire within your geographic area(s) of interest. Full details are available online at www.CareerMD.com/ChapelHill

Respiratory Fit Testing Schedule for September 2012.

Fit Testing/ T-Dap Vaccination/ TB Skin Testing  will be available at Duke North Room 4000C. (Fourth Floor beside service elevator).  Please refer to the attached schedule.   Resp Fit Testing-T-Dap-TB Skin Testing Flyer Sept 2012

Dates to Add to Your Calendars /Contact Information/Opportunities

Sept 19-20          Flu Shot BLITZ Oct 25                   Recruiting Kick Off Event

Useful links
