Williams presents HSR&D cyber-seminar

DGIM Professor of Medicine, John WIlliams, MD, presented a HSR&D CyberSemniar this past Wednesday. The presentation entitled, "Interventions to Support Caregivers or Families of of Patients with TBI, PTSD, or Polytrauma: A Systematic Review," spotlighted the Evidence-based Synthesis Program taking place at the Durham VA. 

The seminar was led by Megan Shepherd-Banigan, PhD, a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Durham VA, along with co-presenters Dr. Williams and Mira Brancu, PhD, an Associate Professor in Psychiatry at Duke. During the presentation, the team discussed the findings to two key questions: 

  1. For interventions that involve family members, which patient-groups has the impact on care recipient outcomes been assessed?
  2. What effects do programs or strategies that involve family caregivers have on care recipient and caregiver outcomes? 

This seminar was part of the national Evidence-based Synthesis Program Series (ESP), which presents recently published ESP reports established to provide timely and accurate syntheses/reviews of healthcare topics identified by VA clinicians, managers and policy makers, as they work to improve the health and healthcare of Veterans. It is sponsored by VA Office of R&D and HSR&D.

Click here for more information and to view the online recording. 

Follow Dr. Williams on Twitter: @jwileyj
