Did you know September was Women in Medicine month? To recognize the growing number of women in the profession and to celebrate the importance of current (and future) female physicians, Suchita Sata, MD, once again tweeted a photo and short description of a female faculty member in the Department of Medicine at Duke each day during the month of September. This was the second year Sata has done this, and we are once again floored by her excitement and commitment to this series.
"Let's celebrate incredible female clinicians, educators, researchers at @dukemedicine. 30 in 30. Too many to highlight everyone in this amazing department, but let's shout it out!"
- Tweet by Suchita Shah Sata, MD, on September 1, 2019.
Dr. Sata highlighted women in all divisions showcasing the diversity of our Department. Diversity in specialty, career pathways, leadership, as well as levels - with junior faculty as well as seasoned ones and women from different backgrounds. 5 of these tweets included women from her own Division of General Internal Medcine. We've embeded those 5 tweets below.
Dr Cara O'Brien. https://t.co/5Dy0nI9erL
— Suchita Shah Sata, MD (@SuchitaSata) September 7, 2019
- #DukeHospitalMedicine colleague, created our procedure service, expert in #POCUS, researcher in sepsis alerts, departmental leader, quality improvement innovator, RRT fixture and fixer#WIMMonth #DukePWIM #MedTwitter @dukemedicine pic.twitter.com/fL9WbHHNJh
Dr Dana Clifton. https://t.co/KKFPpHc1pF
— Suchita Shah Sata, MD (@SuchitaSata) September 12, 2019
- #DukeHospitalMedicine and also hospitalist and #meded w/ @Duke_Childrens
- Leads efforts @DukeHospital in inpt management of opioid use disorder, creating a new consult service#WIMMonth #DukePWIM #MedTwitter @dukemedicine @Duke_GIM pic.twitter.com/I7BcviwIdj
Dr Nia Mitchell. https://t.co/rOXFT2aD6o
— Suchita Shah Sata, MD (@SuchitaSata) September 15, 2019
- Primary care researcher working to tackle obesity in vulnerable populations
- Running an @NIH grant to study weight loss, physical function in older women#WIMMonth #DukePWIM #MedTwitter @dukemedicine @Duke_GIM @DukeDFC pic.twitter.com/PA42yXPvbF
Dr Karen Goldstein. @goldstek https://t.co/IvraVjkSBm
— Suchita Shah Sata, MD (@SuchitaSata) September 16, 2019
- Health system researcher with a focus on women's health, women veterans' health
- Evidence synthesis expert, working on systematic reviews, evidence maps#WIMMonth #DukePWIM #MedTwitter @dukemedicine @Duke_GIM @vadurham pic.twitter.com/ZnOiyiHJHj
Dr Ranee Chatterjee. https://t.co/oD0FiWwgSM
— Suchita Shah Sata, MD (@SuchitaSata) September 21, 2019
- Primary care doc
- Research leader, as Associate Chief of Research for @Duke_GIM
- Bridging clinical practice w/ research, inc @NEJM article about vitamin D and diabetes!#WIMMonth #DukePWIM #MedTwitter @dukemedicine @DCRINews pic.twitter.com/5sOi40U7Je
See a curated version of Dr. Sata's 2019 Women in Medicine tweets here
Follow Dr. Suchita Shah Sata on Twitter @SuchitaSata