Zayd Razouki, MD – 5 reasons I valued attending SGIM16

Post submitted by Zayd Razouki, MD

As the highlight of the academic year for many of us, SGIM’s annual meeting took place May 11-14 in the beautiful Hollywood, Florida. I attended and presented at the SGIM annual meeting this year and it was great as always. Here are my 5 reasons I’m glad I attended the meeting:

The meeting is an annual energy boost that reinvigorates our commitment to academic medicine.
Social Time:
SGIM is a wonderful social event to meet with friends, peers, mentors, and leaders in the field.
Duke presence:
The Duke family had a large presence and participated heavily in all of SGIM’s different venues and many were kind enough to attend my presentation. Their presence was a great support that I really appreciated.
There is always a wide range of learning topics with sessions dedicated to Innovations in Medical Education, Scientific Abstracts focused on research in medical education and beyond! I personally received some great feedback on my presentation and it generated important discussion points. I was also very lucky to have pioneers in the field including previous SGIM presidents and the director of VA HSR&D  stop by my two posters. They reaffirmed the relevance of my projects to the field of health service research and encouraged me to pursue this line of work.
Duke Networking Reception:
The Duke reception was also a great highlight of this year’s meeting. I had fun chatting with colleagues in  a quiet and relaxed environment and the food was great.


Editorial comment: Dr. Razouki is a clinician-educator in the VA Prime Clinic. Three of his submissions to SGIM were accepted: two posters and an oral abstract presentation. Many congratulations!
