Zullig and Zafar in Moshi, Tanzania

This week we learn about GIM in Moshi, Tanzania, at the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center, where Leah Zullig (GIM) and Yousuf Zafar (Oncology) are working with a pilot study sponsored by Duke Global Health/Duke Cancer Institute. As part of the study, the team is validating the quality of the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center.

This picture shows Dr. Zullig (GIM) and Dr. Zafar (Oncology) with two medical students from Kilimanjaro Medical College and staff from medical records and the cancer registry.

Dr. Zullig is known for her research in cancer care quality and chronic disease self-management. She points out that establishing cancer registries is a critical first step in understanding cancer incidence and mortality. Her work involves evaluation of the quality of data from a recently established cancer registry at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center.

Dr. Zullig holds several development awards -- the VA Career Development Award, a mentorship program in cancer research (MT-DIRC, Wash U), and the Duke 2015 LEADER program. Learn more about her from this online GIM Faculty Spotlight and the Duke Faculty Profile which includes her many publications.
