The three-year gastroenterology fellowship program provides comprehensive training in gastroenterology and hepatology.
The first year of training is clinical, emphasizing inpatient rotations, outpatient clinics, consultation services and endoscopic procedures.
In the second and third years, the training is tailored according to each fellow’s specific clinical and/or research interests.
The program emphasizes acquisition of advanced skills in research or clinical practice as deemed appropriate by the fellow and by the Fellowship Director and faculty mentors.
The program has a clinical and research track. Applicants may apply to one or both tracks.
Clinical Track
- Targeted for full-time clinicians and clinician educators
- Includes three years of clinical work
- Area of expertise encouraged through clinical and/or research opportunities
- Development of teaching skills
Research Track
- Targeted for individuals planning research careers in academic gastroenterology
- 18 months of clinical work
- One year full-time clinical work
- Two years with three months of clinical work
- 18 months of research
- Two years with nine months of research each
- Continuity clinic throughout training period
- Supported by the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Institutional Research Training Grant (T32). Due to NIH eligibility requirements, applicants holding either, a J1 or an H1-B visa cannot be considered
Third Year Fellows

Second Year Fellows