October 23, 2023
6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Event sponsored by:
Department of Neurology
Department of Medicine
Division of General Internal Medicine
Alexander, WilliamSpeaker:
Panel Symposium
On Monday, October 23, the Duke Program for Women in Internal Medicine (PWIM) and Department of Neurology are hosting a special joint symposium focusing on academic promotion for women and faculty of color at Duke. This event will feature a panel of speakers representing representing division chiefs and promotion and tenure committee members, including Manesh Patel, MD, Loretta Que, MD, Karen Welty-Wolf, MD, Mitch Heflin, MD, Janice Massey, MD, and Lisa Hobson-Webb, MD. All members of the Departments of Medicine and Neurology are invited to join us in the Great Hall of the Trent Semans Center from 6-7:30. Hors d'oevures and drinks will be served.