The Joseph C. Greenfield Visiting Professor of Medicine Lecture Series kicks off on February 17, 2023, with guest speaker Hyung (Harry) J. Cho, MD, FACP, SFHM, Vice President of Quality and Patient Safety at Brigham and Women’s Hospital at Harvard Medical School.
Dr. Cho practices as an academic hospitalist and has received numerous awards for both his clinical skills as well as his national leadership in the area of high value care and patient safety. His presentation is entitled, Value Implementation in the Safety Net: Lessons Learned.
Each year chief residents invite and host visiting professors for the Greenfield series which takes place during Medicine Grand Rounds. Dr. Cho was invited by Ryan Duffy, MD, Chief Resident for Quality and Safety.
“Dr. Cho is a rising thought leader in high value care and specifically in how to disincentivize unnecessary testing and treatment that causes harm to our patients and our healthcare systems,” Duffy said. “This issue is important and timely as healthcare systems shift toward value-based care payment models and away from fee-for-service.”
Dr. Cho serves in various roles nationally including the Covid-10 Real Time Learning Network Advisory Committee for CDC and IDSA, Quality Improvement Coach and Annual Scientific Program Committee for ACP, Public Policy and Hospital Quality and Patient Safety Committees for the Society of Hospital Medicine, and Director of QI Implementation at High Value Practice Academic Alliance. He previously led the co-creation of Choosing Wisely recommendations for the Society of Hospital Medicine.
Dr. Cho completed his residency in Internal Medicine at Yale and a Clinical Quality Fellowship with the Greater New York Hospital Association. Before joining Brigham, he was the inaugural Chief Value Officer of NYC Health + Hospitals, the largest public health system in the US.
He is the first of four Greenfield guest speakers coming to Duke in 2023.
Upcoming Dates & Speakers
- May 12, 2023: Dr. Lisa Christopher-Stine, Johns Hopkins Medicine, invited by Dr. Nathaniel Harris
- June 16, 2023: Dr. Quinn Capers IV, UT Southwestern Medical Center, invited by Dr. Lonnie Sullivan
- August 4, 2023: Dr. Martha Gulati, Barbra Streisand Women’s Heart Center, invited by Dr. Sara Coles
The Greenfield lecture is named in honor of the late Joseph Greenfield, MD, James B. Duke Distinguished Professor of Medicine, chair of the DOM from 1983 to 1995, and as chief of the Division of Cardiology from 1981 to 1989.
Greenfield, who died in October 2020 at the age of 89, was a pioneer in cardio-vascular medicine, a prolific researcher and sincerely invested in mentorship and trainees, especially the career development of Duke’s chief residents. He was a beloved figure at the School of Medicine and led a fascinating life. Read more about him.
The Greenfield series will be presented in a hybrid Zoom and in-person format. All faculty and trainees are encouraged to attend. The in-person location is located within Duke North 2002 and will be streamed live.
Join by Zoom using the following link each week: https://duke.zoom.us/j/97543367627?pwd=Z1M2ZmMySEpkZmtBU2hHTUd0eU9LUT09
Meeting ID: 975 4336 7627
Passcode: 181825
Dial by Phone: +1 301 715 8592
For more details click here.