Boulware in JAMA Editorial on removing race from GFRs

"In medicine, we must 'first, do no harm'," says Duke GIM Division Chief Ebony Boulware, MD. She is a co-author of a new JAMA editorial published online first on December 2, along with Keith Norris, MD, and Nwamaka Eneanya, MD, a commentary supporting removal of the Black race coefficient from racialized eGFR equations.

Their viewpoint,  "Removal of Race From Estimates of Kidney Function: First, Do No Harm,” accompanies a research paper by Daio and colleagues which is an analysis of whether removing race from estimates of kidney function could potentially change the recommended health care for Black adults.

Boulware is a respected researcher often cited for her work regarding racial disparity and chronic kidney disease. Her team recently published results of The TALKS Study in the American Journal of Transplantation

Read the full editorial on the JAMA website, here. 
