The Snyderman Scholars Applied Genomics & Precision Medicine program will return during the 2023 summer. The 10-week program for undergraduates kicks off on May 22 and runs through July 28, 2023.
The program provides Duke University undergraduate students an opportunity to continue their research in applied genomics and precision medicine.
The deadline to apply for the program is Feb. 1, 2023. Learn more and apply here.
“This program is a little different from other research programs in that it is intended to provide Duke students an opportunity to continue their research experiences in precision medicine, uninterrupted, over the summer and work towards publications and expanding their skill sets,” shares Susanne Haga, PhD, associate professor of Medicine in the division of General Internal Medicine, and Director of Education for the Precision Medicine Program.
The Snyderman Scholars program is funded by Dr. Ralph Snyderman through the “Snyderman Fund.” Dr. Snyderman is a James B. Duke Distinguished Professor of Medicine and served as Chancellor for Health Affairs and Dean of the School of Medicine at Duke University from 1989 to July 2004.
Read more about the 2022 Snyderman Scholar’s experiences here.