September is Women in Medicine Month, during which the American Medical Association and other groups recognize women in medicine and those who have offered their time, wisdom and support to advance women with careers in medicine.
Women faculty and trainees in the Duke Department of Medicine are deeply involved in leading the missions of research, education and patient care.
Suchita Shah Sata, MD, house staff liaison for the Department's Program for Women in Internal Medicine (PWIM) and medical instructor (General Internal Medicine), has been highlighting women in the Department each day this month. See her Tweets #DukePWIM.
The Program for Women in Internal Medicine is led by Lisa Criscione-Schriber, MD, associate professor of medicine (Rheumatology and Immunology), who serves as associate vice chair for Faculty Development and Diversity and chair of PWIM.
PWIM was established to support women in medicine by building and maintaining a supportive and equitable work environment that facilitates career advancement and satisfaction among women faculty and trainees. PWIM provides mentorship for trainees and hosts faculty meetings and social events throughout the year, including the annual Clipp-Speer Visiting Professorship Lecture at Medicine Grand Rounds, which focuses the accomplishments of women scientists and leaders.
Coming Up
PWIM will host a quarterly networking meeting and new faculty welcome from 5-6:30 p.m. on Thurs., Oct. 4, in the Faculty Lounge in the Seeley Mudd Building. The guest speaker will be Clarissa Diamantidis, MD. Dr. Diamantidis will discuss the recently published manuscript: “Gender Differences in Academic Medicine: Retention, Rank, and Leadership Comparisons from the National Faculty Survey.” Carr PL, Raj A, Kaplan SE, et al. Academic Medicine January 30, 2018. A light dinner will be served; RSVP to kimberly.dorman@duke.edu by Sept. 28.
From left: Ebony Boulware, MD, MPH; Joanne Wilson, MD; Diana McNeill, MD; and Laura Svetkey, MD, MHS, speak on a PWIM career panel for internal medicine residents.