Did you know you can live stream Medicine Grand Rounds?

Once or twice a month, Daniella Zipkin MD, associate professor of medicine (General Internal Medicine), streams Medicine Grand Rounds on her phone. Dr. Zipkin said she streams Medicine Grand Rounds, “when I’m arriving late and don’t want to miss the introduction.”

Medicine Grand Rounds takes place in Duke University Hospital room 2002 every Friday at 8 a.m. It is a weekly topic- and case-based presentation by members of the faculty in the Department of Medicine. Topics and cases are selected to provide faculty and trainees with up-to-date knowledge about timely issues in internal medicine. Continuing Medical Education credit is offered.

“Being there in person is always better but streaming is a reasonable second choice,” said Zipkin.

Zipkin recommends live streaming Medicine Grand Rounds or watching it after the fact on your phone, laptop or desktop computer when you cannot make it in person.

Watch a live stream or recording of a Medicine Grand Rounds presentation (login with Duke Net ID is required).

Find details about upcoming and past Medicine Grand Round presentations.

This story was written by Laticia Taylor, communications intern for the Department of Medicine.
