Funding opp: Chair’s Pilot Project Grants in Health Data Science

In collaboration with the Health Data Sciences initiative at Duke (the Forge), the Duke Department of Medicine is seeking proposals for research in health data science.

This request for proposals is designed to fulfill two missions:

  • To grow Department of Medicine faculty involvement in health data science, and
  • To support research that will then be used to improve the quality of care for patients at Duke Health.

The Department is particularly interested in proposals that utilize data from Duke University Health System, though alternative data sources may be considered. After year one, successful projects may be funded for an additional year, with priority given to funding investigators that will use the insights from year 1 for implementation research focused on improving patient outcomes at Duke Health.  


  • Eligible applicants will be Department of Medicine faculty at the rank of Instructor or Assistant Professor, but may choose to collaborate with others outside his/her division as part of the project.
  • Multidisciplinary collaborations are encouraged.
  • Proposals likely to result in career development opportunities and future external funding will be favored.

We plan to fund 1-3 one-year awards with a total budget not to exceed $75,000/project.  Funding may be used to support investigator time (up to 20% per faculty).

Deadline for proposal submission is April 20, 2018 and should be forwarded to

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