Have you Googled your name lately?

By Martha Adams

Duke GIM members: have you Googled your name lately? Did you notice that a link to your Duke profile link comes up first? Seriously. We should consider our online presence. It's the value proposition that gives people confidence we know who we are and what we are about professionally. Will you just write a little bit, a brief bio about what you do?

My own excuse always has been that it’s too difficult to do but that loses weight when I see Duke has automated so much already for me. A few from GIM have posted their bios. For example, check out: Hayden Bosworth and David Gallagher and Leah Zullig.

The place to start: Scholars@Duke
Already visible online are the essentials of your academic appointment and even your publications. Many still lack a description of academic activities.

Why is Scholars itself important? Scholars@Duke is the source of content that’s fed to the online faculty directory that everyone sees searching from the Department of Medicine website.

One more thing, enter your phone number, will you?

Directions for updating Scholars@Duke:

Go to the Scholars website and click on “Manage This Profile.”

Want to know more?

Everything is spelled out within the Department of Medicine checklist found here.

And the Social Media Communications policies are posted herehttps://medschool.duke.edu/about-us/news-and-communications/communications-resources/communications-policies

This post submitted by Martha Adams, MD, MA 2/22/16
Author of GIM’s “Twitter in Medicine” Series
