Hematology faculty awarded 3 exciting research grants

Faculty in the Division of Hematology have recently received notice of three exciting grants.

Brice Weinberg, MD, professor of medicine (Hematology), was awarded an NIH R01 grant for "Nitric Oxide and Microvascular Dysfunction in Severe Malaria."  This is a four-year grant that will begin in late September.  

"We will investigate the importance of the vascular glycocalyx and nitric oxide in the pathogenesis of severe malaria in humans," Dr. Weinberg said.  The co-principal investigators are Dr. Nicholas Anstey of the Menzies School of Health Research in Darwin, Australia; Dr. Donald Granger of the University of Utah School of Medicine in Salt Lake City, Utah; and Dr. Esther Mwaikambo of the Hubert Kairuki Memorial School of Medicine in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Marilyn Telen, MD, professor of Medicine (Hematology), was awarded an R21 DK106509 grant, "Factor XIII and Fibrinogen: Mechanisms of Genetic Risk in SCD-Related Priapism."  This is a two-year grant that began in July.  

Additionally, Dr. Telen has been informed that the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation has approved a grant to fund her proposal “High-throughput Metabolite Profiling and Genetic Analyses to Identify Novel Predictive Biomarkers of SCD-related Complications” submitted in response to a 2015 Innovations in Clinical Research Award (ICRA) funding opportunity. This is a three-year grant that starts in September.
