Matchar to present pop health seminar

GIM Professor of Medicine, David Matchar, MD, is currently leading the Health Services & Systems Research Program at Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore. He will be traveling back to Durham for a short visit in February and will be presenting at a special SYNERGY Population Health Improvement Seminar on February 7. 

Topic: Population segmentation based on needs: what, why, and how?

Location: Duke South, Room 3031
Time: 12-1 PM (Lunch will be served to those who register, but all are welcome to attend)


Population Segmentation helps identify different health care needs within populations, enables tailored care models and the budgets to support them. This tactic has gained significant traction as a promising approach for turning sentiments into reality. But how do we do this in a way that is operationally practical?  In this talk, Dr. Matchar will discuss his work in developing and validating a scheme for population segmentation based on health and health-related social service needs and how he is applying this general framework to more systematically optimizing health services.  You won't want to miss it! 

