Ubel authors 4 in Forbes Health

Dr. Peter Ubel, a Duke physician and behavioral scientist, has recently authored four Forbes (Health Information and Health News) online articles. The articles discuss popular topics for this time of the year like healthcare and holiday eating. Click the links below to read the full articles: 

November 18, 2016 
6 Tips For Determining If A Doc-In-The-Box Is Right For You

November 23, 2016 
Eating Too Much During The Holidays? Your Table Made You Do It!

November 30, 2016 
Another Obamacare Failure: It Wasn't A Job Killer!

December 2, 2016
What Do Calorie Labels Mean For America's Waistline?


Learn more about Dr. Ubel in this faculty spotlight.

Follow him on Twitter @PeterUbel 

