Ubel authors more in Forbes Health

Peter Ubel, MD, a Duke physician and behavioral scientist, frequently contributes to Forbes (Health Information and Health News) online articles. The articles discuss popular relevant topics. Below are his four most recent contributions. Click the title links to read the full articles:

January 27, 2017
Why Rich People Hate Taxes (Hint: It's Not For The Reasons You Think)

January 20, 2017
A Surprising Way To Stop Eating So Many Brownies

January 16, 2017
Does Having Too Much Money Make Us Stupid?

January 6, 2017
Are Your Healthcare Prices Outrageous? Here's What Happens When Prices Come Out Of The Dark

Click here to see the archive of all Ubel's articles in Forbes Health. Learn more about Dr. Ubel in this faculty spotlight.
Follow him on Twitter @PeterUbel 
