Ubel contributes more articles to Forbes Health

What do bicycle helmets, healthcare, unnecessary care, and income inequality all have in common? They are all topics in recent articles written by Dr. Peter Ubel and featured in Forbes.

Peter Ubel, MD, a Duke physician and behavioral scientist, frequently contributes to Forbes (Health Information and Health News) online articles. The articles discuss popular relevant topics. Below are his four most recent contributions. Click the title links to read the full articles:

March 10, 2017
If Trump Wants To Do Better Than Obamacare, He'd Better Pay Attention To This

March 3, 2017
Who Provides More Unnecessary Care: Physicians Or Nurse Practitioners? (The Answer Is Surprising)

February 28, 2017
How The Psychology Of Income Inequality Benefits Luxury Brands

February 27, 2017
Warning: Bicycle Helmets Could Be Hazardous For Your Health

Click here to see the archive of all Ubel's articles in Forbes HealthLearn more about Dr. Ubel in this faculty spotlight.
Follow him on Twitter @PeterUbel 
