Weekly Updates - May 14, 2012

By heffe004@dhe.duke.edu

From the Director

Hi everyone! Time is flying by here at the end of the year....only one week till you get to grow the chiefs in the lake. The picnic is a bit early this year, so it's unclear what kind of revenge chiefs can do when they have 6 weeks of power after being chucked in a lake! This week, we had some more fantastic SAR talks from Mike Chenier and Megan Brooks, a great DRH morning report on multi-dermatomal zoster by SAR Jared Chiarchiaro (quick - what is hutchinsons sign?) and Marcus Ruopp was fantastic at presenting a case of new onset lupus at "almost JAR" report. Huge thanks to Joel Morgenlander for his shout out to Stead rounds at medicine grand rounds on Friday.  Other congrats are to Phil Lehman for his election as house staff GME rep and to Diana McNeill for joining the GME staff to be in charge of internal reviews. Finally, I hope the awesome shoes on everyone were noticed on Friday, the first annual "great shoe day" organized by our interns. Loved it! This weeks pubmed from the program goes to intern Alex Fanaroff;   G protein-coupled receptor kinase-5 attenuates atherosclerosis by regulating receptor tyrosine kinases and 7-transmembrane receptors, Wu JH, Zhang L, Fanaroff AC, Cai X, Sharma KC, Brian L, Exum ST, Shenoy SK, Peppel K, Freedman NJ ; Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2012 Feb;32(2):308-16. Epub 2011 Nov 17. Please join us for the next med student journal club at Dr Klotman's house on Tuesday May 22 at 6 pm.  We will be discussing the landmark article - N Engl J Med. 2011 Aug 11;365(6):493-505. Epub 2011 Jul 18.; Prevention of HIV-1 infection with early antiretroviral therapy More congratulations to: Saumil Chudgar who is the recipient of the 2012 Golden Apple Award for Clinical Science Faculty. JARs Callie Coombs and Denise Duan-Porter (and mentors Mark Lanasa, Brice Weinberg and Daphne Friedman) for being selected for ASH Trainee Research Awards for  012-13! Have a great week and see you at the picnic! Aimee [hr]

From the Chief Residents

Grand Rounds

Date Speaker Division Topic
5/18/12 Dr. Powe MLK Visiting Professor George Phillips Memorial Visiting Professor
5/25/12 Manesh Patel/Laura Svetkey Cardiology Refractory HTN

Noon Conference

Date Topic Lecturer Time Vendor
5/14 Mechanical Ventilation Neil MacIntyre 12:00 Moe's
5/15 MedPeds Conference - Sickle Cell transitions of care Dr. Nirmish Shah 12:00 Chick-fil-A
5/16 CPAP Ambrose Chiang 12:00 Rudinos
5/17 Clin Pharm - dn2003 Jason Moss and Mitch Heflin 12:00 Meelos

From the Residency Office

The Medicare Annual Wellness Visit Congratulations to Scott Joy, Kathy Waite, Anne Phelps, and Bruce Peyser who have been selected to present a 90 min seminar at the upcoming SGIM meeting on the Annual Medicare Wellness Visit.  The group is also helping to set up the SGIM website so that folks around the country can learn how to provide this service to Medicare patients. GME Concentration Applications - Extended to June 1st.  http://sites.duke.edu/gmeconcentrations/ GME Concentrations were developed, with support of the GME Innovation Fund, in response to resident/fellow and program feedback to provide critical content to better prepare physicians for practice in the current & future health care system. These Concentrations are being offered as an optional  "minor" for residents and fellows, PGY level 2 and above) across specialties at Duke. Residents/fellows will participate in development of their individualized education plan by choosing from a list of educational opportunities related to their concentration. Participation will span over the course of their training and last a minimum of one year (some exceptions may apply) resulting in the awarding of a Certificate of Completion. GME Program Directors must approve resident/fellow participation in order to ensure this commitment will supplement training and benefit the program overall. Expert champions have been identified to serve as part of an Advisory Committee for each concentration identifying and developing educational objectives, opportunities/assignments, and assessment strategies. Committees will guide and assess the work of residents/fellows participating in each concentration and determine individuals' successful completion. Concentrations include:
  • Resident as Teacher
  • Patient Safety & Quality Improvement
  • Law, Ethics & Health Policy (in development)
http://sites.duke.edu/gmeconcentrations/ If you have questions, please contact:  Alisa Nagler, Mariah Rudd, Saumil Chudgar, or Kathryn Andolsek

Dates to Add to Your Calendars /Contact Information

  • May 19 - Annual Picnic, Dr. Burton's Farm, from noon to 4:00
  • June 2 - Annual SAR Dinner (invitations only)
  • June 13 –Resident Research Event, 5-7pm
  • June 13 - Resident Research Night, Searle Center, from 5-7 PM
Useful links
