Howard promoted to Assistant Professor
Congratulations to Dr. Howard for promotion to Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of General Internal Medicine, effective January 2, 2022
Woods publishes "At-home testing to mitigate community transmission of SARS-CoV-2"
The Duke Center for Applied Genomics & Precision Medicine’s Associate Director, Christopher W. Woods, MD, co-authored a recent publication in the BMC Public Health Journal studying the impact of rapid at-home testing on COVID-19 trends, “At-home testing to mitigate community transmission of SARS-CoV-2: protocol for public health intervention with a nested prospective cohort study.” This non-pharmaceutical intervention remains critical to controlling disease transmission and can ease the burden associated with facility-based testing. At-home testing can additionally improve testing access in high-risk communities. This study evaluates the impact that at-home testing has on both COVID-19 transmissions and socio-behavioral patterns in underserved populations.
Surprise! The Pandemic Has Made People More Science Literate
More effective and equitable implementation of cancer screening represents a significant opportunity for the National Cancer Program, with the potential to reduce the burden of cancer, according to a report released February 2, 2022, by the President’s Cancer Panel. The Panel’s report, Closing Gaps in Cancer Screening: Connecting People, Communities, and Systems to Improve Equity and Access, presents goals and recommendations to optimize cancer screening informed by a series of meetings conducted 2020-2021.
2021 GIM Excellence Award Winners
We are proud to announce the 6th annual GIM Excellence Awards, presented by our Division Chief, Dr. Ebony Boulware, in the video below. This year we have 7 different awards and 7 individual awardees as well as one team awardee.
A special thank you goes out to all those who submitted nominations for these awards.
Duke School of Medicine Pioneer Charles Johnson, MD, Dies at 94
Charles Johnson, MD, Professor Emeritus of Medicine, passed away on December 14, 2021, at the age of 94. Dr.
Pearls from 12/14/21
The December 14, 2021, session of Duke Medicine LEADS featured Katherine Garman, MD presenting "Opportunities to Address Disparities in H.
Save the Date: Tyson Brown, PhD, to deliver Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Grand Rounds on January 14, 2022
The Department of Medicine announces that Tyson Brown, PhD, Associate Professor of Sociology; Director of the