The Department of Medicine established the Kimberley J. Evans Legacy Award in 2024. This award acknowledges and celebrates exemplary faculty members that have made substantive efforts to advance diversity among trainees or faculty, advocate for equal career development and opportunities among underrepresented in medicine (URiM) residents, fellows and/or faculty, promote institutional culture change and community building, and/or foster an environment of inclusion and belonging in our Department and beyond.
All Medical Center Faculty, trainees and/or staff are invited to nominate regular-rank faculty in the Department of Medicine who exemplify the traits of this award. One awardee will be selected each academic year. Nominations may come from individuals or groups; self-nominations will not be accepted. Nominations should include:
- Letter of nomination: A single primary letter of nomination should include a description of the qualities of the faculty member that prompted the nomination, with specific examples of the nominee’s accomplishments in advancing diversity among trainees or faculty; advocating for equal career development and opportunities among URiM residents, fellows and/or faculty; promoting institutional culture change and community building; and/or fostering an environment of inclusion and belonging in our Department and beyond. Additional letters of support (maximum of three) are encouraged.
- Nominee’s current curriculum vitae
A single .pdf file containing all application materials should be submitted to MCH_Events@dm.duke.edu by 5 p.m., Monday, March 3, 2025. Please submit applications from a duke.edu email address.
Selection Process
The selection process will involve review by the DOM standing awards committee with ad hoc members of the Department’s EDI leadership team, with final selection by Dr. Cooney.
Awards Notification
The recipient of this award will be notified by the week of April 7, 2025.
About Dr. Kimberley J. Evans
Kimberley J. Evans, MD, Professor of Nephrology in the Department of Medicine (DOM), passed away in August 2023. Dr. Evans joined Duke in 1998 as an intern, and upon completion of her medicine residency and nephrology fellowship, she became faculty in the Division of Nephrology in 2003. Dr. Evans’ academic legacy centers primarily on her extraordinary and compassionate clinical care as well as her impactful contributions to diverity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). As the associate vice chair for DOM Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and chair of the Department's Minority Recruitment and Retention Committee (MRRC), she developed innovative initiatives to increase recruitment of underrepresented in medicine (URiM) trainees and faculty, promoted career development and community, and helped the Department embed a DEI lens in all we do. Dr. Evans strongly believed on the importance of guided efforts to recruit a diverse taskforce, fostering an environment with equal opportunities for everyone, and cultivating an inclusive institution where everybody has a strong sense of purpose and belonging.
2024 Recipient