Core Facility Voucher Program helps move forward DOM faculty research
Gentzon Hall, MD, PhD, assistant professor of medicine (Nephrology), is passionate about a specialty area of research that is often overlooked by potential funders - the genetically targeted treatment of Familial Nephrotic Syndrome. “This disease doesn’t have many treatments, especially not that are targeted. The few that are targeted have ill-defined effects with general guidelines,” Dr. Hall said. The uncharted territory of this research area left him in a familiar conundrum for many investigators: pursue his passion in an uphill battle or give it up in favor of a more fundable concept.
GIM Articles of Interest: Sept 2018 - March 2019
We've collected the last 6 months of our Articles of Interest - that's 42 trending or practice changing articles!
5/8/19: 5th Annual Duke University Transplant Infectious Diseases Symposium
The Duke University Transplant Infectious Diseases Program will hold its 5th annual symposium, "Gene Expression Profiling for Diagnosing and Managing Infection and Rejection in the Immunocompormised Host," from 1-4:45 p.m. on Wed., May 8, in the Great Hall of the Trent Semans Center.
Two Dates Announced for MRRC Spring 2019 Professional Development Series
Registration is now open for “The Art of Tactful Self Promotion & Smart Positioning for Trainees,” a professional development series sponsored by the Department of Medicine's Minority Recruitment and Retention Committee (MRRC).
Internal Medicine Residency News, April 1, 2019
Catch up with the Duke Internal Medicine Residency Program by reading the weekly newsletter for April 1, 2019.
Registration is open for SOM 'Writing Winning NIH Grant Proposals'
Faculty registration now open for the School of Medicine's “Write Winning NIH Grant Proposals,” which will be held from 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. on Fri., July 26, 2019.
Sata reports on HM2019
Hear all about what took place at the recent hospital medicine annual meeting
Gray's graphic medicine
Dr. Nathan Gray has been hard at work on recent drawings and teaching sessions
5/10/19: Victoria Fraser, MD, selected as Clipp-Speer Women in Medicine Visiting Professor
The Program for Women in Internal Medicine will host Victoria J. Fraser, MD, for the annual Clipp-Speer Women in Medicine Visiting Professor Medicine Grand Rounds presentation on Fri., May 10, at 8 a.m. in Duke North, Room 2002.
5/30/19: 5th annual DIGG Symposium of Innate Immunity, Inflammation and Diseases
The Duke Innate Immunity Group (DIIG) will hold its 5th annual symposium of Innate Immunity, Inflammation and Disease on May 30, 2019 in the Great Hall of the Trent Semans Center.