Berg featured on Transplant Pro
Carl Berg, MD, professor of medicine (Gastroentrology) and medical director of Duke's abdominal transplant program, rece
9/20/14: 2nd annual Advanced Heart Failure Symposium
The Duke Heart Center will host its second annual Advanced Heart Failure Symposium on Sat., Sept.
Duke performs first at-home bone marrow transplant
David Lenat is one of the first patients in the world to benefit from a new clinical trial of at-home bone marrow transplant led by Nelson Chao, MD, chief of the Division of Hematological Malignancies
Grand Rounds 8/8/14: When Heart Failure Therapy Fails
Medicine Grand Rounds on Fri., Aug. 8 at 8 a.m.
Duke AHEAD Celebration for Education and call for poster abstracts
Update: Please note that the deadline for poster abstracts for Duke AHEAD's Celebration of Education is coming up on Mon., Aug.
Funding opp: University grants for arts collaborations
These two grants programs from the University can enhance the opportunity for interdisciplinary collaborations.